Laboratory for Terahertz & terascale electronics (latte)

research Areas

Two Dimensional Materials, Topological Materials, Quantum Materials & their Heterostructures

This covers a very broad area of our research that includes: Misoriented interfaces and bilayers, electronic transport through such interfaces [1,2,3,4], and the thermal transport in misoriented bilayer graphene [1,2]. Thermoelectric properties of 2D materials [1,2]. Tin Disulfide [1,2]. 2D materials with ring-shaped valence bands [1,2]. Heterostructures [1,2,3]. Majorana modes in topological superconductors [1]. Exciton condensates in bilayers [1]. Optical cavities[1], luminescence, and layer decoupling [1,2]. Charge density waves and CDW devices [1,2,3,4]. Material growth [1,2,3,4,5,6]. FET performance [1,2].

Quasi One Dimensional Materials

1D and quasi-1D materials have been a topic of interest since the 1970s. Interest has recently revived in these materials. Two metallic transition metal trichalcogenides have demonstrated breakdown current densities higher than that of Cu and their resistivities were resilient to scaling below 10 nm. We have investigated the phonon and thermal transport properties of these materials [1].

Ferromagnetic & Antiferromagnetic Materials and Devices

Skyrmions are localized, topologically non-trivial spin textures. They appear as a swirling spin pattern within a ferromagnetic (FM) background and have been proposed as memory elements. We have been interested in their creation, annihilation and detection [1,2,3]. There is current interest in using antiferromagnetic materials for memory devices, but, the lack of a macroscopic magnetic moment makes control and detection of the Neel vector difficult. We have considered control using strain and voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) [1,2], interfacial DMI required to create AFM skyrmions [1], and detection in a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) geometry [1]. Other areas of interest have been spin superfluids in FM and AFM systems [1,2,3], 3D spin textures (Hopfions) [1], and magnetic domain walls for neuromorphic computing [1].