Download Windows Update Blocker V1.2


I'll also note, that I have autorun totally disabled on these PCs, so I understand what security considerations are behind this, but that makes it even more crazy that i can't disable it as windows just ignores those files for me now.

OSFClone does its best not to leave artifacts or alter the source evidence drive. However due to different hardware, drivers variations and disk states, there could be a small chance of contamination, especially when the source drive is from a Linux / Unix machine. When integrity is of the utmost importance, we recommend using a write blocker in conjunction with OSFClone.

Switching off SSL inspection for all inbound traffic to the web sites has eliminated the issue for now, however I need to understand how to diagnose and resolve the issue. My searching located an article on the Fortinet knowledge base ( =FD37726) that implies that TLS v1.2 is supported - unless I'm reading this wrong of course. Note that I'm not able to enable inspection and monitor in live as the issue seems intermittent and took (afaik) approx 18 hours to first manifest.

This is the _________________________.It defines the 1______________________.There are no normative changes from the 2_______________________.The primary objectives of this revision are to correct errors and add clarity.

I would like to block everything, even including windows update and other software updates.

I would like to allow only one web browser like firefox, chrome or opera.

How can I set up a config like this in windows Firewall?I see for blocking application but seems you need to add one by one and it is a tedious task. 

4- For windows update, I'm not exactly sure which processes need access to the internet so maybe someone else can give us some insight.

 I think the main exe is under C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe but it also uses svchost.exe.

With Surfblocker you can easily restrict internet access at specified times or on demand.

 You can allow and block websites and limit which programs and features have access to the internet. For example, you can allow only e-mail and and work or study related websites.

 You can also simply password protect internet connection or set it to be automatically disabled after a specified amount of time. Of course, you can also block harmful and hazardous content automatically.

Other vendor announced that they will be disabling client support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in spring 2020. I would like to align with them, and set compiled in default to TLS v1.2 in all the libraries. The API/ABI will be preserved and one would be able to turn TLS 1.0/1.1 back on, using config files or API calls as needed. 5376163bf9

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