Mechagodzilla's name comes from the word "Mecha," which is derived from "mechanical," and from another monster, Godzilla (, 'Gojira'?). Officially, this incarnation is called the Mecha by Apex Cybernetics, and it is christened Mechagodzilla by Josh Valentine in the film.

The character's design was inspired by the Terminator franchise. Creature designer and concept artist Jared Krichevsky explained that this meant that the design of Mechagodzilla had to be something similar to Godzilla himself, that as an intelligent animal and hunter, seeing something skeletal akin to himself would have a very unnerving effect.[10] Mecha-King Ghidorah was another source of inspiration for the Mechagodzilla's appearance.[11] The original model of Mechagodzilla had three concealed four-cell missile launchers, which was cut from the film.[11]

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Mechagodzilla bears a strong resemblance to its namesake. It sports a series of short metal plates resembling Godzilla's dorsal plates (more closely resembling Godzilla's appearance from the 2014 film) running from the back of its neck all the way down to the tip of its tail. Its forelimbs are considerably bulkier and slightly longer than the real Godzilla's with four zygodactyl claws on its hands. Its feet also seem to bear a slight resemblance to Ghidorah's, while still having Godzilla's frame. Mechagodzilla's tail also has a drill mounted to its tip.

Mechagodzilla was portrayed through CGI. The only part that was portrayed in live action was the cockpit in which the pilot controls the mechanical beast. According to Krichevsky, Mechagodzilla was also portrayed via motion capture, although the actor who played him is unknown and not credited.

The MonsterVerse Mechagodzilla's roars are mostly Godzilla's roars that have been increased in pitch and edited to sound metallic. Once King Ghidorah's consciousness takes control of the mecha, it emits modified Ghidorah roars and growls which are heard during it's battles with Godzilla and Kong. Many of Mechagodzilla's sound effects originate from the Transformers live-action series, which, coincidently, was also worked on by Erik Aadahl.

Mechagodzilla is initially a mindless machine which is completely under the control of Ren Serizawa, who controls Mechagodzilla like an extension of his own body via a psionic interface. However, once Ghidorah's consciousness takes over the machine, Mechagodzilla is able to think and ambulate without any connection to a human pilot, and it immediately exhibits an incredibly violent, destructive and outright murderous personality, much like the behavior of the late three-headed dragon whose skull gave it consciousness. According to the filmmakers, Mechagodzilla's consciousness is unique from Ghidorah, as it's a "new personality" that formed via Ghidorah's consciousness merging with the mechanical Titan's artificial intelligence.[12]

The Mecha's very first act as a sentient being is to zero in on Walter Simmons and intentionally crush its creator, then upon bursting free from Apex Cybernetics' headquarters and seeing Hong Kong, the Mecha immediately fires its Proton Scream at the fleeing people on the ground and the surrounding buildings without provocation. Mechagodzilla immediately afterwards becomes hyper-focused on Godzilla, viciously and relentlessly battling, pummeling and attempting to kill Ghidorah's old arch-enemy and the Mecha's intended target. When Kong begins interfering in the fight on Godzilla's behalf, Mechagodzilla at first treats him like a nuisance, trying to quickly shake him off and return its attention to Godzilla as quickly as possible, but after Kong eventually starts hacking at the Mecha with his ancestors' Titanus Gojira-fin axe, Mechagodzilla switches targets and focuses all its energies on killing Kong outright.

Although Mechagodzilla's mind is derived from Ghidorah's left head (San/Kevin), it appears to lack the individual personality quirks which distinguished that head from the other two when Ghidorah was alive. Where the left head was submissive, afraid of facing Godzilla's wrath, had a curious side towards humans, and was somewhat clumsy with a short attention span; Mechagodzilla fights against two Alpha Titans all on its own for absolute domination, exhibits absolutely no hesitation to fight Godzilla once it singles him out, immediately fires on any humans as soon as it notices them, and it's very coordinated and hyper-focused. Mechagodzilla appears to know as soon as its mind is born what its abilities are and how to use them effectively in combat, proving to be a very efficient fighter. Unlike Ghidorah, who visibly panicked when faced with imminent and almost-certain death, Mechagodzilla shows no signs of fear as it continues trying to fight Kong off even after it's lost three limbs before Kong delivers the penultimate blow.

Mechagodzilla was built in secrecy by Apex Cybernetics under the direction of their CEO Walter Simmons and their chief technology officer Ren Serizawa as a solution to the relatively powerless position humanity was in against the Titans, and moreso so that Apex could dethrone Godzilla and make themselves the architects of humanity's ascent to domination over all the other Titans. Simmons reveals that he had the idea which led to the Mechagodzilla as early as 2014 when Godzilla and the MUTOs first emerged, long before King Ghidorah caused a global Titan rampage in 2019. In order to pilot the Mecha, Apex set up the skull of Ghidorah's left head that was severed at Isla de Mara as a living supercomputer, wiring it up and taking advantage of the skull's telepathic capabilities to create a psionic uplink: the pilot would sit inside the skull and control the Mecha's actions remotely, with a piece of Ghidorah's DNA inside the actual Mecha acting as the receiver.

The first hint of the Mecha was seen in an Apex facility in Florida when Godzilla attacked the base looking for Ghidorah. When Godzilla blasted open the base with his atomic breath he unknowingly revealed a strange metal sphere which was later revealed to be one of Mechagodzilla's eyes. Later in an enclosed Apex facility in Hong Kong, the eye was installed and the completed Mechagodzilla's might was tested against a Skullcrawler known as Number 10, with the mecha's strength and proton scream (a red energized beam) cutting through the Titan, slicing it in half, and spilling blood over a bunker. However Mechagodzilla soon shuts down as the effort drains it's limited power supply forcing its creators to wait to hear back from the Hollow Earth expedition.

Following an excursion to the Hollow Earth, Mechagodzilla gets powered up with energy from the Earth's core. However, the energy influx prompted the remnants of Ghidorah's consciousness in the skull to override the controls, electrocuting Ren Serizawa, and killing Walter Simmons with a swipe of its hand. In the wake of the titanic conflict between Godzilla and Kong, it breaks free from its nearby facility and goes on a rampage in Hong Kong. Quickly coming into contact with Godzilla, Mechagodzilla fights its organic counterpart. Mechagodzilla manages to swiftly and brutally overpower the King of the Monsters and would have killed him if Kong had not intervened.

Despite going up against both Godzilla and Kong, Mechagodzilla manages to fight off and overpower both monsters. However, before it can kill Kong, Josh Valentine pours Bernie Hayes's alcohol onto a control panel for the mecha, causing it to hesitate for a brief moment, allowing Godzilla to charge up Kong's axe. Kong then uses his axe to brutally dismember and subsequently decapitate Mechagodzilla, ending its quite brief reign of terror.

Mechagodzilla possesses a red energy beam, capable of burning through adult Skullcrawlers, blasting through buildings immediately and knocking down as well as burning Godzilla. This beam also has the power to beam-lock with, and overpower Godzilla's atomic breath, although it should be noted Godzilla was not at full power since he had already used his atomic breath extensively to tunnel to the Hollow Earth and battle Kong.

Mechagodzilla is equipped with crane-like rotor claws. The interiors of these claws are adorned with industrial buzzsaws, allowing them to cut through flesh while grappling. Mechagodzilla can even rotate its hands like drills, delivering extra damage. According to Jared Krichevski, these claws can cut through a Titan's skin and inflict massive damage.[13]

According to Jared Krichevski, Mechagodzilla's dorsal plates were used to defend any organs and making it harder for a Titan to destroy it.[13]In PUBG Mobile, his dorsal plates also double as drones which, after detaching from the main body, operate with a hive mind, with Mechagodzilla controlling them.

Mechagodzilla was able to charge blue energy into its hands and feet, allowing it to perform devastating hits on Godzilla and Kong. This energy is what give Mechagodzilla the strength to be able to fight Godzilla. Jared Krichevsky calls these "plasma punches"[11].

Mechagodzilla has shoulder-mounted missile launchers capable of momentarily stunning Godzilla. It also has a missile launcher inside its chest, although it never used it.[11] The missiles fired from its shoulders are capable of splitting apart in midair to release smaller and faster ones that can quickly rain down on targets and deal damage across their body.

Unlike its previous incarnations, this Mechagodzilla has enhanced physical strength and human-like reflexes that allowed it to effortlessly overpower an adult Skullcrawler, as well as knock over and throw Godzilla around. These enhanced physical attributes when combined with Mechagodzilla's ability to charge its blows with plasma for added damage enabled it to overpower both Godzilla and Kong in the final fight, despite the mecha being outnumbered, although it must be noted that both Titans were extremely exhausted and wounded after fighting each other.

Mechagodzilla's tail is equipped with a deadly drill that it attempted to use against Godzilla and Kong. When not in use, it folds into a blade remarkably similar to the one featured on the tail of the Showa incarnation of the character. This tail weapon is used to cut straight through any Titan's skin and flesh without difficulty. be457b7860

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