How did other people gain the right to vote?

Women's Suffrage--The 19t Amendment

In 1920, women were granted the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th amendment. It says:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. "

Basically, this means that no one can tell you that you can't vote because of your gender. 

Remember this? It's set in Great Britain, but it's still about women fighting for their right to vote!
Why Suffragette? Because the word SUFFRAGE means, "the right to vote."

So by 1920, how had the rights of US Citizens been expanded?

1791-- The Beginning

Most rights included in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights apply to white men. The right to vote is only held by white men over 21 who are able to own property.

1865-- Slavery Ends

After the civil war, the United States outlaws most slavery

1868--Citizens Defined

The 14th amendment defines citizenship and requires states to treat all citizens equally, including black Americans and former slaves.

1870--African American Men Vote

The 15th amendment extends voting rights to all MEN.

1920--Women's Suffrage

The 19th amendment allows women to vote as well.

TIME TO WRITE! Fill in the description of the 19th amendment and the definition for suffrage. Then click on the definition of suffrage to move forward to the next page!