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During this unpredictable time Historic King Drive Business Improvement District (BID #8) remains committed to being a resource to help support businesses and owners of property located in BID #8. New ways to do just that are in the works. Follow our social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay connected with our efforts.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, Brew City Match is taking action to ensure that we continue to support the people and places where we work. Our goal is to mitigate economic impact in our communities. We have developed two tools to ease the financial burden for small business owners:

In terms of the shared drive access (Manager, Content Manager, Contributor, Commenter and Viewer) , what are the differences in Business Starter ? I heard that the access is limited as compare with standard.

I am facing the exact same issue - i recently started a new workspace account with Starter plan, i've pooled storage enabled and can see that its pooled when i go to the drive app (bottom left corner). However i don't have see any option / the button for "Shared Drive" nor can i set it up in the settings.

I already contacted the support which forwarded me to the SMB Workspace team. I've written two emails and got two answers but they don't even understand the problem to be honest, they just send me default links like this:


which isn't the answer for the question. This is extremely frustrating..

@Marcin_Milewski Is there any chance you can check on this issue? The problem we are facing here is not the pooled storage itself. Its basically just the missing "Shared Drive" Button and the option to enable it in the settings.

Nor do we even see the "Shared Drives" below the "My Drive" like shown in this clip =-mE3-LhuAms

As seems to be a common problem google probably forgot to rollout the settings option for shared drive creation to the Starter plan

"Shared drives will become available after pooled storage rolls out to all existing Business Starter customers." workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/05/pooled-storage-shared-drives-for-google-workspace-business-starter.html

Customer support and satisfaction are imperative for any successful business. If your customers are not happy with your products or services, their experience with your company will be less than satisfactory. A WMS can significantly improve the way you interact with your customers.

Though it is last on this list, increasing workplace productivity is one of the biggest benefits a WMS can bring to your organization. Minor difficulties such as obsolete or inefficient methods and lack of employee enthusiasm will likely generate an unproductive warehousing business. A warehouse management system can help build on current procedures and practices to boost efficiency. Your WMS will help your team optimize their workflow, increase productivity, and minimize time spent on inventory management, picking, and packing. A WMS gives your team the tools they need to excel, turning their daily operations into efficient and measurable processes.

Thanks to technological advancement, modern distribution strategies are now employed around the globe, with warehouse management systems assisting in resolving many of the significant difficulties that businesses face today. From inadequate inventory management to poor customer service, a WMS will help your organization overcome countless issues, proving to be a valuable first step toward developing a stronger operation.

A WMS is the key to meeting your goals for business growth. With it, you can increase productivity and efficiency, meet supply chain demands, improve inventory turnover, lower costs, and gain invaluable insights into how your warehouse operates. Best of all, it reduces overall complexity by streamlining processes across multiple channels.

All the above statements are true. Things seem to be moving faster, now. Technology is advancing at an accelerated pace. Customers are becoming more connected and thoughtful in their considerations. Values are taking a front seat in decision-making and brand relationships. As a result, businesses cannot afford to lean on legacy approaches to business change, customer engagement, IT, or branding. Nor can companies settle so quickly for a new or next normal. We now live in a Novel Economy, a time when leaning on past assumptions, checklists, and playbooks will only impede your opportunity to rise to the unique opportunities inherent in this CTRL-ALT-DEL moment. The question executives must ask is, do we reboot as a digital version of our past self, or do we upgrade for performance, relevance, and agility?

To connect the dots and build new bridges between brand, business value, and customers, the challenges are not insignificant. Resources are limited. Supply chains are strained. Budgets are tightening. Macroeconomic uncertainty is pervasive. To make meaningful strides, marketers have to get back to basics.

Marketers are increasingly investing in real-time analytics to get an accurate view of the impact of their messages, campaigns, and marketing spend. The faster they get at achieving these insights, the faster they can respond to customer needs and expectations. The goal is to make informed decisions, deliver personal and relevant customer engagement, and drive business growth at speed and scale.

Tracking the right metrics in a novel economy is a business imperative. As marketing budgets scrutinized, analytics provide leaders with the insight they need to optimize spend, lower acquisition costs, and improve the accuracy value of marketing.

The novel economy is going to continue to unfold against a backdrop of constant change. As times, trends, tastes, and technologies continue to shift, marketers can help steer businesses closer to customers, deliver more of what matters to them in ways that are relevant, intuitive, and personal, and use next-generation technologies to help companies innovate and compete.

I write about science-based business strategies. One thing customer experience and corporate culture have in common is that they both involve humans. My books Friction (McGraw Hill, May, 2019) and Brainfluence (Wiley) both translate important behavioral science into practical business advice. That's also true for my blog Neuromarketing and my podcast, Brainfluence. I'm all about practical applications, not theory. I currently focus on writing, speaking and teaching. Earlier, I co-founded College Confidential, a college-bound digital business that was acquired by U.K.-based DMGT. I spent years in direct marketing as the co-founder of a successful catalog firm and before that directed corporate planning for a Fortune 1000 company. You can learn more about me and my speaking at RogerDooley.com. Follow me on Twitter at @rogerdooley.

Billee Howard is Founder CEO of BRANDthro, an Insights-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform using AI, ML and neuroscience, to create a new suite of consumer insights rooted in emotional intelligence. We believe emotion is a significant driver of behavior - only when a brand moves people to feel, will it move them to act. Our offering uses proprietary non equilibrium signal analysis, validated on Wall Street, to create a richer understanding of a brand, their competitors and the target segment through the lens of personality, emotion and language. Reach me at billee@brandthro.ai ff782bc1db

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