This year I started collecting Warhammer minis and got my first battalion of 16 dwarf warriors. I am new to Tabletop and I don't know how many points there are per army and what an "efficient" dwarf army would be in the board game. I am a veteran of more than 1200 hours in TW: Warhammer and the only thing I learned from there is that the dwarfs do not want to spend too much on elite units and it is convenient for them to use their "cheap" units to go wide with dwarf warriors and miners (the occasional pair of Slayers to protect flanks) and let the real slaughter be done by Thunderers, Quarrellers or artillery.

A Tier: These units are some of the best the army has to offer. They excel in their specific roles and commonly help form the core of most competitive lists. While not auto include, they are great in almost any army they are taken in and will be seen frequently.

Warhammer Dwarf Army Book 8th Edition Pdf 57

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While I am a big fan of the traditional army review format, they usually only show the opinion of one person playing in one particular meta. In reality even within the same gaming group there is often a lot of disagreement over which units are top tier and which leave a lot to be desired. So I decided to format these army reviews in a way that captures that debate.

Nothing in the list breaks a 7/10 in my estimation because the Imperial Dwarf army has no specific unit that really measures up to such units in other armies. Internally, we could make some arguments for some units pushing into the 8-9 level, but honestly? No. There are no Huscarls, Soul Reavers, or any other such stellar unit in the army.

In V3 I saw a huge change in their meta. Shooting is still a viable option , but I finally got to see very impressive all Melee options. Their speed takes a lot of practice to master, but once you learn how to manoeuvre the army, I would say they are a solid 8/10.

I have played Dwarfs for most of my Kings of War time which was near the start of Second. I played Elves for about a year and then have been working on my Dwarf army since. I enjoy tournaments but am not an overly competitive player. A little known fact is that it was me that added the glocks, to the rocks and brocks combo of second in the form of 3 organ guns, interestingly it was my least successful list.


Hammerers are the elite of the dwarves with WS5 and S4 as base but with two attacks. This puts them on par with a Chaos Warrior, though I would argue they are possibly better. A bold claim I hear you say. They come as standard with a GW which is no drawback as they have the garbage standard dwarf initiative and just helps them munch through armour, especially if they charge (as they get the normal +1S) and if they have a Runesmith for AP (that combo could give them a -5 modifier to armour saves!).

On top of that, the unit can take a runic standard up to 75pts. This is huge and allows you to take one of the master runes on the unit (normally be Groth or Valaya) and this can be the starting block for several army builds.


Ironbreakers are often mooted as the best anvil in the game. They share the normal elite dwarf stats of WS5 and S4 and a decent 3+ save. Where they go a step further is in getting the Shieldwall of Gromril rule. Most dwarves get an additional +1 to a parry save on the turn they are charged but this rule means that they always get the 5++ parry save. This is a fantastic rule as a 1/3rd chance to always make saves in combat can really make a difference.

They are unbreakable, so are immune to psychology and basically never have to take a leadership test and so will never run away. Even in an army with an average leadership as high as dwarves and with many units having access to stubborn, this is huge. It means you have a block of dwarves that will have to be completely wiped out and can effectively tarpit anything and operate completely outside of the bsb/generals bubble (it is also one reason you find excommunicated beardless dwarves using small darts of them, the shame!).

So slayers are pretty good by themselves but if you are taking Ungrim as your general and a slayer centric army, then they get even better. This is for one reason and that is because he allows one unit to take a 100pt banner. This is the largest banner allowance outside of the BSB and means you can place one of the Master Runes on the standard (I tend to use Valaya on the unit as I like using Groth on the Hammerers).

I consider a cannon an almost mandatory choice in every dwarf list. In eighth they are just too useful to not take one in order to threaten monsters and monstrous units. Dwarf cannons become better than every other one in the game, as you can give them a rune to allow the artillery dice to be re-rolled and another one to cancel out regen (about the only defence against a S10 shot). The latter does run the risk of allowing a 5pt dragonbane gem giving that Daemon Prince a 2++ ward vs your shot but that is why you either take another cannon or a Grudge Thrower!

Rolling to hit. The dwarf crew only have a BS3. This only gives you a 4+ chance of hitting at short range. Over that and it drops to a 5+. This is just too unreliable. Sure you could spam a few of them or add runes or a master engineer to help out but then this feeds into the second drawback:

The Dwarf army was the very first army I ever thought about collecting when I originally purchased the Warhammer Fantasy 5th Edition starter set. Yes, I was enamored with the valiant Brettonian Knights and the watery Lizardmen of that set. Indeed, even my first games were with those two armies. There was that glint of gold in my eye though as I dreamed of building that first dwarf army.

A Dwarf army is a formidable sight, with ranks of bearded and heavily armoured warriors, their shields and banners identifying clans, guilds and gods. The doughty steel-clad infantry are supported by powerful engines of war, machinery of destruction that no foe can match. While Dwarfs are unwilling to cast magic, they have learned to inscribe runes that can bind eldritch forces, allowing them to create weapons and armour of legend. Full of grim determination, when Dwarfs join battle, there is no retreat, only victory or death

Over the course of the last year, I have been building a Chaos Dwarf (CD) or Abyssal Dwarf army for Kings of War. Progress has been slow, but real headway has been made, and I now have nearly 1000 pts completed and ready to be fielded with at least as many additional pts built and waiting for paint. However, it will still be some time before I can put a purely CD themed army on the tabletop for large scale battles. The army has a loose (very, very loose) Alice in Wonderland theme going for it with playing card based icons, checkerboard patterns, whimsical whorls, tall hats and caterpillars (soon to debut), and unusual creatures. The color scheme is also a nod to the old school Games Workshop Chaos Dwarf primary color scheme of heavy bright Reds, Blues, and Yellows (though the yellows only come in very lightly here).

I have a running blog of this Army Build over at Chaos Dwarves Online (CDO) which is an excellent resource and community for all things Chaos/Abyssal Dwarf including a ton of great army builds, stories, background, painted models, and battle reports. You can check out my blog on the CDO site to see additional painted shots, build photos and commentary:

An Army Book in the Warhammer Fantasy tabletop wargame, is a rules supplement containing information concerning a particular army, environment, or worldwide campaign.Army Books for particular armies were introduced for the fourth edition of the game (prior to that all armies were included in the main rulebook). The sixth edition rendered these obsolete. Until superseded by newer versions, the 6th edition and later books remain valid for the newer editions of Warhammer.

8th Edition was the final edition of Warhammer: Fantasy Battle. The last army book to be printed was Wood Elves in 2014. The first army book; The Empire was printed for 4th edition rules in 1993 spanning some 21 years of printing of Warhammer army books for The Game of Fantasy Battles (formerly known as Warhammer Fantasy Battle). The original Warhammer World was destroyed in a Warhammer Fantasy novels/in-game event called End Times in 2015.

Games Workshop and the Black Library (the Publishing arm of GW) have released Battlescrolls for Warhammer Fantasy. They are digitally released and expand the options available to players, as well as contain background on their subject. Most are formations that can be added to any army as a unit outside of the normal army organization. Some (noted below) are additions to specific army lists and are taken following the normal rules for their unit type.

In White dwarf magazines "Warhammer chronicles" there came preview army lists for Lizardmen (wd 256, April 2001), Bretonnia (wd261, September 2001), Wood elves (wd269, May 2002), and Beast of chaos (wd275, November 2002), that replaced their Ravening hordes list, and was replaced by their army books later in the 6th edition. Dogs of war got their main list and Regiments of renown -list in back to back issues (wd 251 and 252) that were never replaced. Daemon horde got same sort of preview army list in Annual 2002 (November 2001). The preview lists can be found in Annual 2002 and Chronicles 2003 in addition to White dwarf magazines.

About a month ago, the legend that is Dave invited me to play a few games of Warhammer Fantasy with him in the coming year. I jumped at the opportunity, and what better army to play with than my old Dwarfs!

This would also be the perfect opportunity for me to start rebasing them back on to their proper SQUARE bases as is only right! It also means that by the time Old World gets released I may have a fully painted and functional army from the off!

To learn more about WAR, visit the game's newly redesigned website: Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive exclusive stories, art, and game information, as well as a chance to take part in the game's beta test. be457b7860



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