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Facts Related To Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair removal is a popular and effective treatment for hair removal and can effectively remove unwanted hair from the face and other body areas. In the laser hair removal treatment, the laser delivers an intense beam of light that cause follicular damage and the surrounding tissue remains unaffected and unharmed while the laser only targets the hair follicles. This leaves behind smooth skin without any potential side effects. Following are the facts related to Laser Hair Removal in Ludhiana discussed by the best dermatologist Dr. Shikha Aggarwal practicing at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic that helps one to achieve the best results with this treatment.

1. Shave before the treatment: It is recommended to shave the area to be treated about 24 hours before the procedure. A clean shave with a sharp razor is a must so that the laser can penetrate into the root of the hair.

2. Avoid tweezing or waxing in between sessions: Waxing, plucking, and tweezing should be avoided prior to laser hair removal as they can disturb the hair follicle. The root of the hair must be present in the follicle for the laser to identify and effectively destroy the hair.

3. Take all the make-up off, all of it before the procedure starts: On the day of the treatment, make sure the skin is clean and product free. Do not even apply moisturizer or deodorant. This goes for 24 hours after the treatment too.

4. Get treatment from an expert dermatologist: Candidates interested in laser hair removal should understand it is not a simple procedure. It has risks, even though it is performed extensively in salons and spas. The best bet is to get treatment from an expert and laser hair removal doctor. At Bliss Laser Skin Clinic, Dr. Shikha Aggarwal, the Best Dermatologist in Ludhiana is an expert in providing effective laser treatment using the most advanced laser technique.

5. Swelling should be normal afterward: It is expected up to 48 hours of redness, stinging, or itching in the treated area following laser hair removal. This may continue for several days. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone or aloe vera may be used to alleviate redness and irritation.

6. Results will vary: Candidates should know laser hair removal is a process that ideally should be customized to the body area and the type of hair. Results vary depending on several factors including the areas being treated and fluctuating hormonal levels. Some people report seeing no hair return after 10 years or more, while some people experience regrowth sooner and rely on multiple sessions to keep unwanted hair at bay. In rare cases, laser hair removal may cause thicker, darker hair to regrow in an adjacent area to the one being treated. Hence, touch-up sessions are recommended for maintaining long-term outcomes.

7. Stay out of the sun: The assumption behind laser hair removal is to identify the pigment in the hair follicles and target that specifically to get rid of the unwanted hair. To do the laser treatment effectively, it is recommended to be as close to the baseline skin color as possible by refraining from excessive sun exposure or tanning from the sun for at least two weeks prior to laser hair removal treatments.

8. Tell your dermatologist about your current medication: As far as medication goes, it is very important, to be honest with your dermatologist. Having an open conversation in advance is best. If you are taking any kind of antibiotics when the treatment is going on, you could end up with burns, which can be difficult to get rid of. Any medications that are photosensitive need to be stopped at least one week prior to treatment.

9. There are different lasers for different skin types: Not every laser is appropriate for every skin color. Light skin responds best to a short wavelength, which is easy on the skin and effective on fair hair. People with dark skin need a long wavelength to bypass the epidermis. At Bliss laser Skin Clinic, the best laser hair removal clinic in Ludhiana, the skin doctor provides laser treatment for all skin types.

10. Use the recommended products: Treated skin areas may appear sunburnt after the treatment. An active skincare product and a cold compress will ease discomfort and swelling. Avoid applying make-up to the treated area and stay out of the sun. The skin will be sensitive to the sun for 48 hours after the treatment. Do not use any topical products that cause photosensitivity in the treated areas. Use a gentle cleanser and lotion on the treated areas.

11. Have logical expectations: It takes more than one session to see remarkable results. It is very important to keep in mind that no laser clinic can claim 100% hair removal as some hair will always strive to grow back. Re-growth can be affected by hormones and other biological factors which can differ from person to person. Different parts of the body have different growth rates and therefore could take longer or shorter depending on which spot you are treating.

12. Be consistent: One of the biggest mistakes people make is not completing the necessary amount of sessions. The timing of the treatments dramatically influences the outcome due to hair growth patterns. Make sure to attend appointments religiously at intervals advised by your dermatologist for best results.

Contact now the best skin doctor Dr. Shikha Aggarwal at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic to know more about Laser Hair Removal Cost in Ludhiana.