LAROUSSE GASTRONOMIQUE. The chef Prosper Montagn's Larousse gastronomique was first published in France in 1938. Alongside Georges-Auguste Escoffier's Le guide culinaire and Louis Saulnier's Le rpertoire de la cuisine, the Larousse gastronomique became one of the key reference works on French national and regional cuisine for the professional chef. The Larousse gastronomique is a reference text that codifies a history of the French culinary arts from the distant past to the present day in encyclopedic form. Entries cover such items as culinary terminology, foods, kitchen equipment, techniques,national cuisines, regional French cuisines, and historically significant chefs and restaurants.

Three editions of the Larousse gastronomique have been published in English. The first edition, published in 1961, was an Anglo-American venture edited by Charlotte Turgeon and Nina Froud. A fairly direct translation of the Montagn text, this edition included updated food science entries and English and American measurements. One translator is the noted British food writer Patience Gray and it concludes with an additional reading list compiled by Elizabeth David.

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Montagn, Prosper. Larousse gastronomique: The New American Edition of the World's Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia. Edited by Jennifer Harvey Lang. New York: Crown, 1988. Second English edition.

La premire dition du Larousse gastronomique[1] date de 1938. Elle est rdige par le chef cuisinier Prosper Montagn en collaboration avec le docteur Alfred Gottschalk pour les parties scientifiques. La prface est d'Auguste Escoffier.

L'dition de 1996[4] est marque par une grande remiseĀ  jour, faite sous l'gide d'un comit gastronomique prsid par Jol Robuchon. Cette dition s'ouvre sur les produits et cuisines du monde. be457b7860

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