Last updated, April 18 ,2024

Privacy Officer

ZenoRadio LLC


Phone: (212) 822-3460



Please note that this privacy policy shall apply to processing operations of Personal Data related to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protected individuals. “Personal Data” means any information that can be used, alone or together with other data, to uniquely identify any living human being. The Privacy Policy provisions are qualified as follows for such protected individuals.

Consequences of not providing the data

Period of Storage

Third Parties with whom we Share your Data

Why is the data collected and for what purposes?

Data We Collect

Use Case

Legal Basis: It is either: (i) necessary to provide our Services to you, or (ii) following a User’s request, prior to entering into an agreement with us.

You may not be able to use our Services.

For as long as you access content through our Services. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

Internal storage only

We collect this Personal Data in order to:

name, address, email address, and telephone number.

On a voluntary basis, you may also provide us with Personal Data about your interests, your gender, age, date of birth, language preference, and other demographic information

Accessing content made available by our Services through the Websites, streams or Apps.

Dialing in to use our Services.

You may not be able to share certain content through your social media account.

For as long as you access content through our Services. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

3rd party service providers, such as: Google , Facebook, Twitter if users choose to login with external credentials ( for email)

Twilio for SMS authentication 

We collect this data in order to enable you to connect and log in to the Services through your social network accounts, upload information and enable certain features of our Services

name, surname, email address, profile picture, cover photo, username, friend list, and any other information you have made public on the applicable social network.

Logging in to our Services using your social network credentials (applicable when using our Services via our App).

We will not be able to respond to your enquiry.

For as long as reasonably necessary to respond to your enquiry.


When you commence direct communication with us, we will use the data in order to respond to your enquiry(ies), and if needed, for any further follow-up.

Name and email address.

You may also provide, on a voluntary basis, your phone number and company name.

General communication with us (e.g., through our Contact Us web page), including sending you service-related announcements (e.g., through Push Notifications and audio messages).

Legal Basis: Consent

We may not be able to send you information on new products or services which we think you may find valuable.

For as long as you access content through our Services. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

SendGrid (email distribution service) 

Twilio ( SMS )

When you sign up to receive newsletters or other communications related to our Services, we will use the data in order to stay in touch with you.

name, address, email address, and telephone number and any other information you choose to share with us

Signing up to receive from us newsletters (or other communications) regarding new services or products that we think you may find valuable

We may not be able to improve our Services to you.

For as long as you access content through our Services. For as long as you remain subscribed. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

Advertising partners : 

Display advertising:

Active: Admob, Facebook / Meta, Monetize More , Instreamatic, Primis, Google Ad Manager (DFP/GAM)

No longer used: Inmobi, Mobfox, Mopub, Aerserv, VRTCAL, via DFP: Antipodes, Tappx, Click Dealer

Audio advertising: Adzwizz, Triton, Instreammatic, WideWorbit,

Targetspot, Audio.Ad, AdTonos, EmpireStreaming

In order to help us better understand how our Services are being used by you, how to promote the Services, and for the delivery of targeted advertising necessary for providing the Services free of charge.

IP address, Mobile device ID, device user-agent

Marketing and Lead Targeting

Certain features of our Services may not function properly without the aid of web cookies.

For as long as you access content through our Services. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

Internal storage only

We use cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies to keep track of services you have used and activities you have performed on our Website, radio stations you have listened to and listening and call-in habits, and several other functionalities, further described here.

Cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies

Tracking your use of the Services.

You will not be able to participate in any of polls, contents our surveys

For as long as reasonably necessary to process the results of the poll, contest, etc. If you choose to opt out, as soon as reasonably practicable, and within a maximum of 60 days.

Internal storage only

Anonymized/Aggregate data shared with marketing/advertising partners

When you agree to participate polls, contests, surveys or other features of ours, we will use the data in order to help us improve our Service.

name, address, email address, telephone number and any other information you choose to share with us (e.g., information about your interests and activities, your gender, age, date of birth, language preference etc.)

Participating in polls, contests, surveys or other features of our Services.


We have implemented appropriate technical, organizational and security measures designed to reduce the risk of accidental destruction or loss, or the unauthorized disclosure or access to such information appropriate to the nature of the information concerned. However, please note that we cannot guarantee that the information will not be exposed as a result of unauthorized penetration to our servers. Nevertheless, we make commercially reasonable efforts to make the collection and security of such information consistent with this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations. As the security of information depends in part on the security of the computer, device or network you use to communicate with us and the security you use to protect your user IDs and passwords, please make sure to take appropriate measures to protect this information.


In addition to the retention periods mentioned in the table above, in some circumstances we may store your Personal Data for longer periods of time, for example (i) where we are required to do so in accordance with legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, or (ii) for us to have an accurate record of your dealings with us in the event of any complaints or challenges, or (iii) if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation relating to your Personal Data or dealings.


We ensure transfers within the Company group will be covered by an agreement entered into by members of the Company group (an intra-group agreement) which contractually obliges each member to ensure that Personal Data receives an adequate and consistent level of protection wherever it is transferred to.

Where we transfer your Personal Data outside of the Company, for example to third parties who help provide our products and services, we will obtain contractual commitments from them to protect your Personal Data. 

Where we receive requests for information from law enforcement or regulators, we carefully validate these requests before any Personal Data is disclosed.


The following rights (which may be subject to certain exemptions or derogations), shall apply to individuals who are protected by the GDPR. Please note that some of these rights may also apply under other jurisdictions as well:

You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the contact information in the Privacy Policy.


US States Privacy Laws

Please note that this Annex 2 of our privacy policy shall apply to processing operations of Personal Data related to individuals that are protected by applicable US State Privacy Laws. "US State Privacy Laws" are any United States state-specific privacy laws that apply to the Company, including, if applicable: the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 and its updates and amendments (the "CCPA"), the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, the Colorado Privacy Act, the Connecticut Data Privacy Act, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act and any other applicable federal and/or state law. The applicability of this section to you is subject to the applicability of those laws to our Company and to their applicability to you individually. “Personal Data” or "Personal Information" means any information that can be used, alone or together with other data, to uniquely identify any living human being. The Privacy Policy provisions are qualified as follows for such protected individuals.

Third Parties with whom we share your Personal Data

Sources of Personal Data

(as applicable)

Purposes such Personal Data is collected for

Categories of Personal Data we collect

Use Case

Internal storage only

Individuals submitting information to us; 

Information we automatically collect from site visitors; 

We collect this Personal Data in order to: (i) enable you to register and use our Services; (ii) for the purposes of delivering the products and services that you have requested; (iii) managing your account; and, if applicable, (iv) providing you with customer support.

Identifiers: such as name, address, email address, and telephone number.

On a voluntary basis, you may also provide us with Personal Data about your interests, your gender, age, date of birth, language preference, and other demographic information

Accessing content made available by our Services through the Websites, streams or Apps.

3rd party service providers, such as: Google, Facebook, Twitter if users choose to login with external credentials ( for email)

Twilio for SMS authentication 

Individuals submitting information to us; 

We collect this data in order to enable you to connect and log in to the Services through your social network accounts, upload information and enable certain features of our Services

Identifiers: such as name, surname, email address, profile picture, cover photo, username, friend list, and any other information you have made public on the applicable social network.

Logging in to our Services using your social network credentials (applicable when using our Services via our App).

3rd party service providers, such as: Intercom

Individuals submitting information to us; 

When you commence direct communication with us, we will use the data in order to respond to your enquiry(ies), and if needed, for any further follow-up.

Identifiers: such as name and email address.

You may also provide, on a voluntary basis, your phone number and company name.

General communication with us (e.g., through our Contact Us web page), including sending you service-related announcements (e.g., through Push Notifications and audio messages).

3rd party service providers, such as: SendGrid (email distribution service) 

Twilio ( SMS )

Individuals submitting information to us; 

When you sign up to receive newsletters or other communications related to our Services, we will use the data in order to stay in touch with you.

Identifiers: such as name, address, email address, and telephone number and any other information you choose to share with us

Signing up to receive from us newsletters (or other communications) regarding new services or products that we think you may find valuable

3rd party service providers, and advertising partners : 

Display advertising:

Active: Admob, Facebook / Meta, Monetize More , Instreamatic, Primis, Google Ad Manager (DFP/GAM)

No longer used: Inmobi, Mobfox, Mopub, Aerserv, VRTCAL, via DFP: Antipodes, Tappx, Click Dealer

Audio advertising: Adzwizz, Triton, Instreammatic, WideWorbit,

Targetspot, Audio.Ad, AdTonos, EmpireStreaming

Individuals submitting information to us; 

In order to help us better understand how our Services are being used by you, how to promote the Services, and for the delivery of targeted advertising necessary for providing the Services free of charge.

Identifiers: such as IP address, Mobile device ID, device user-agent

Marketing and Lead Targeting

Internal storage only

Individuals submitting information to us; 

Information we automatically collect from site visitors; 

We use cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies to keep track of services you have used and activities you have performed on our Website, radio stations you have listened to and listening and call-in habits, and several other functionalities, further described here.

Identifiers: such as Cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies

Tracking your use of the Services.

Internal storage only

Anonymized/Aggregate data shared with marketing/advertising partners

Individuals submitting information to us; 

When you agree to participate polls, contests, surveys or other features of ours, we will use the data in order to help us improve our Service.

Identifiers: such as name, address, email address, telephone number and any other information you choose to share with us (e.g., information about your interests and activities, your gender, age, date of birth, language preference etc.)

Participating in polls, contests, surveys or other features of our Services.


The following rights (which may be subject to certain exemptions or derogations) shall apply to individuals protected by some US state privacy laws (the applicability of these rights depends on the applicability of some of these laws to you): 

You can exercise your rights by contacting us at You may use an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf if you provide the authorized agent written permission signed by you. To protect your privacy, we may take steps to verify your identity before fulfilling your request. Subject to legal and other permissible considerations, we will make every reasonable effort to honor your request promptly in accordance with applicable law or inform you if we require further information in order to fulfil your request. When processing your request, we may ask you for additional information to confirm or verify your identity and for security purposes, before processing and/or honoring your request. We reserve the right to charge a fee where permitted by law, for instance if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. In the event that your request would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others (for example, would impact the duty of confidentiality we owe to others) or if we are legally entitled to deal with your request in a different way than initial requested, we will address your request to the maximum extent possible, all in accordance with applicable law. 

CCPA "Do Not Sell or Share Personal Information". 

Our use of some third-party advertising technologies and services may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under CCPA. Under the CCPA, you have the right, at any time, to direct us not to sell or share your Personal Information.  Categories of Personal Information disclosed in the preceding 12 months that may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under CCPA are the following: Identifiers (IP address, mobile device ID, device user-agent). Categories of third parties to whom Personal Information was disclosed that may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under CCPA are: third-third party advertisers. The purposes for which Personal Information was “sold” or “shared” (as defined in the CCPA) in the past year are the following: In order to personalize the services we provide for you and/or our website, in order to analyze your use of our website, in order to establish a business connection with you. 

You can opt-out of the “sale” and “sharing” to third parties by contacting us at

We do not knowingly sell or share the Personal Information of consumers under 16 years of age.

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