Just recently picked up boostrap studio, what a great program. I am however, stuck trying to figure out how to get the preview mode to work on my android cell (galaxy note 5) and also my ipad. I have connected both via wifi to my network, and have enabled preview in my laptop, but when I try to view the url it gives me, it just times out on both devices.

If your cell or tablet is connected to your home network through a router, then you should be able to view the BSS studio preview by typing the preview IP address generated by BSS into the browser's address bar on the device in question.

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For example, if I open a site in BSS and click preview, it will open on my computer in my default browser (Chrome) using the local IP . If I open a browser on my phone when it is connected via my wi-fi router, and type the same IP address into the address bar, I can see the BSS studio preview in my phone's browser. However, if my phone is connected to the internet via my mobile provider's 4G service, typing in that same IP address will return a page-not-found error.

Not to discourage you, but you pretty much need to understand CSS if you want to customize the Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap studio does allow you to change the colors on certain elements that you place, but with pre-designed templates, many of the colored elements are set in the Bootstrap CSS file and are "locked", meaning they cannot be changed through the visual editing controls. In some cases, the !important modifier is also used.

I bought bootstrap studio because I wanted to save time making some themes for websites and parting them together. It seems to be harder to accomplish this when the application gives too much I can't find a navbar(with nothing in it and not already having settings). I find some of the restrictions are making me want to just go back to coding. As I come from just coding the applications I'm looking for more control. You allow The adding for basic elements like

There are may tools in the web developers / slash designers toolbox. I am very happy with the bootstrap studio program. It is easy to use. I use another editor with lots of plugins. Although it would be great to use one my editor I don't get a felling of systematic progress. This is a great tool and design for a website developer / designer like me who needs a tool that focuses on design. After a hour or so on this tool, I'll spend more time adding additional libraries services and controllers, and data models. All the additional work is done using other tools for linting(syntax) and debugging in jasmine mocha, but I don't need to be worrying about that stuff when I'm designing. I also would not like or want anything included that has too many design choices. Buttons can be styled with css and should be unless there svg we don't need a bitmap editor in the toolbar. If you need a wonder tool to do everything it used to be Creative Studio 4. Then I found a real editor. Now I use Ubuntu 16.04 === (OS) | VIM === (editor) | ?Gimp ===(bitmap) | Inkscape === (images logo svg so much more). They are all free, and also servers databases libraries plugins also are free and are community driven open source products and very popular topics on quality help sites. I think this is a great value for the price and I don't mind the fact that its closed source. I wouldn't change it at all it's 10/10 for my needs. Ps. Pinegrow looked good. I tried it but, it was weird for me like... you can use your editor our live view + add things with drag n drop and I guess you could if the system can cope with all having a file opened for writing by two different programs working together needs a driver in-between the editor if you have Atom, there's support maybe for others though. It is trying to do things I didn't know that I didn't need it too but I don't and can't use more than what bootstrap studio does.

I recently started working with Microsoft Blazor web application framework and found it was amazing and a lot of html styling is based off Bootstrap 4.3.1 and I notice searching for tools and such, this application. I decided to get it because at minimum it can help me create html/bootstrap code to insert into the Razor pages for the Blazor components.

I don't believe at this time, Bootstrap studio should be use to import and export pages into Blazor projects - but I believe there is extremely big opportunity for the product in this emerging technology.

Yes I am new Bootstrap Studio and I see it has a tool to help with visual side of Bootstrap that that is integrated with Blazor.I am pretty 100% sure that Bootstrap studio will not be only tool for creating a website. For example, it will not do any of database logic that drives the website. To browser, Browser application is seen as html and cross platform just that Blazor pre renders the html on the server.

I see this as unique opportunity for Bootstrap studio, yes there is a lot of coding behind Blazor but the opportunity here is for improving the front end HTML/CSS appearance of website that Blazor renders. In any case what is provided with BSS is just data to Blazor application and included on the Razor pages to be generated and display on the browser for the user.

If you're not able to MANUALLY create a modal and link it to a button the solution is not to ask for point and click feature to do that. But to study bootstrap, html and CSS. If you know your job then Bootstrap Studio will help you do more in less time. Unless it gets cluttered with dumb options appealing only to newbies and still missing important features that devs use every day.

i just installed Boostrap Studio. I already have a website which i built with bootstrap (a folder with HTML-, CSS- and JS-files). How can I import that website into Bootstrap Studio to keep working with the website in the programm?

1) open a browser window for you files2) select all your html files for pages and drag into bootstrap studio and they will sit in the pages folder3) select all your css file and drag them in and the same will happen, you will then need to reorder the css if needs be4) select all your js files and then drag in all all with sit in the js folder

Do you have any advice on this:

1. Is this the correct way to do it?

2. Would there be a setting to add those JS (bootstrap.min.js) and CSS (bootstrap.min.css) files in already existent /assets/js and /assets/css folders instead of a separate /bootstrap/js and /bootstrap/css folder?

In fact, I don't even mind copying the html code onto my cshtml files then adding all the razor functionalities on top, the only problem is that if I do that, will all the html still work once I move all the files to where my visual studio solution can use them

I'm using Bootstrap studio to style things, but the final output is an HTML file. Since my project doesn't use HTML files but CSHTML files instead, I want to just copy the existing HTML into the CSHTML and add razor functionalities on top, will it all fall apart since I've pasted the HTML code into a new file type?

What is the recommended way of taking the final HTML code and using them and integrating them into my projects? Can I just do what I was planning to which was: place all the css and js and stuff into my styles folder and paste the html code into my cshtml file. Again, at this point I do not want to go back to bootstrap studio since I've finalized my website design.

Show how to use bootstrap methods in SAS/IML Studio to compute both a bootstrap estimate for a statistic and also an estimate for the standard error of the statistic. In this example, the statistic is a 25% trimmed mean. This program demonstrates how to write a very simple bootstrap program in IMLPlus.

Run the IMLPlus program (Bootstrap.sx) contained in the attached zip file in a SAS/IML Studio program window. The default data set is an artificial data set, but you can run the program on your own data by changing the parameters of the program. For example, to run the program on the SASHELP.CARS data set to compute bootstrap estimates for the 25% trimmed mean for the MPG_HIGHWAY variable based on 500 bootstrap replicates, you can change the parameters of the program to the following:

In the basic bootstrap algorithm, you sample (with replacement) from the data. For each bootstrap sample, you compute a statistic for that sample. The union of the statistics forms the bootstrap distribution. The mean of the bootstrap distribution is an estimate of the statistic on the original data. The standard deviation of the bootstrap distribution is the bootstrap estimate of the standard error of the statistic.

All of the preceding steps use standard SAS/IML statements coupled with SUBMIT statements that call SAS procedures to compute statistics. The following (optional) steps in the program create IMLPlus graphics to visualize the original data, the bootstrap distribution, and the various statistics:

Hi everyone! I'm basically a designer working on Adobe XD and then passing on my design assets to the developers who work with bootstrap. We've discovered some issues with the CSS from XD and disconnect between our design and what's produced by the developers. I'm tasked to look at bootstrap studio but not being a developer myself or familiar with html or CSS it's a bit of a learning curve. I've also looked at webflow but the code generated isn't very useful for bootstrap either. Anyone else has encountered this issue? Did you have a solution? Should I ditch Adobe XD for something else like figma perhaps? Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks! be457b7860

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