2010 - Hardscape Improvement Attempts

(Originally published in the May 2010)

Notice:  After reading the information below, please click on the following link which will take you to an online survey regarding improvements to the walkways and driveways of the Tennis Villas.  The few minutes it takes to complete the survey will be extremely helpful to the Board.  Survey / Poll (link not active).  For the latest summary of survey results, please see below.


The HOA, per the CC&Rs, is responsible for "the construction, reconstruction, replacement, refinishing of the walks, private driveways, and other means of ingress and egress with the property".  This responsibility is to be fulfilled regardless of property values, market conditions, performance or potential development plans of the neighbouring hotel, and/or any increase that hardscape improvements may or may not bring to the HOA property values.

Over the past decade and especially recently, there have been numerous complaints to the Board in regards to the condition of the driveways and walkways surrounding the Tennis Villas.  The driveways and walkways of the HOA are constructed of concrete, with colored red concrete accent squares along the driveway borders.  There is no curbing or proper drainage installed, which causes rain and sprinkler water to pool and increase damage and staining.  What may have seemed a great idea at the time, did not hold up very well over the years.  Please see in the photos below dozens of examples of areas where the concrete is cracking, uneven and discolored.  

The HOA Board has on numerous occasions over the years repaired areas of the concrete if they posed a risk to pedestrians.  These repairs cost the HOA thousands of dollars each year, and chip away at the HOA reserves.  These fixes have really only been short term "band-aid" solutions to a much larger problem.   Numerous concrete vendors have inspected the concrete recently, confirming that the concrete was not constructed properly, when poured almost 30 years ago.  The main error of the concrete construction was that joints were put too far apart, causing the concrete to crack almost with exception every 20 or so feet. Also during the history of the Tennis Villas, the colored red concrete appears to have been painted and covered with materials that are both pealing off and fading.   In order to properly fix the problem, all of the concrete would need to be removed and replaced.

The Board has made numerous efforts to try and increase the HOA reserves so that the driveways and walkways could be replaced.  In 2005, the Board devoted significant efforts to finding a solution.  It met with many vendors and received a number of competitive bids to replace the hardscape with interlocking pavers (similar to what the La Quinta Resort installed in 2007 at its entrance). The Board proposed a special assessment of $9,000 for the pavers to be installed in the summer of 2005.  The assessment was voted down.  Then, in 2008 (for 2009), the Board changed the monthly dues from $520 to $650 per month, in an attempt to raise funds over the following few years to fix the hardscape.  There was a large number of complaints to the increased monthly dues, and the Board lowered the dues in April 2009 back down to $520 per month.

Some of the complaints from Homeowners have included:

*Lack of transparency from the Board as to the problem, the available solutions, and the decision processes.

*Dislike of pavers as they did  not match the La Quinta Resort and looked cheap (though the La Quinta Resort does now have pavers, which have generally been very much liked.)

*Lack of opportunity for homeowners to give their input

*Unfair charges to home owners on exterior roads which do not as directly benefit from complete hardscape improvements

In general, there are a few ways to deal with the condition of the driveways and walkways:

1)Continue to patch the concrete when areas pose obvious safety risks for pedestrians (i.e. the Band-Aid look).  Ignore the generally unattractive cracks and discoloring throughout the HOA, which continues to get worse every year.

2)Remove and replace the concrete with interlocking pavers.  Unlike concrete, pavers are extremely easy to replace in sections if there is damage, a need to get undergound for a water leak, electric access, etc.  For more information on pavers, please see this link

3)Remove and replace the concrete with properly installed concrete.  Concrete is slightly less expensive to install than pavers, at 60-70% the cost.  It is however much more difficult to replace in sections (as currently the problem in the HOA), so in general does not last as long as pavers.   

4)Remove the concrete and replace it with black asphalt.  Asphalt is in general a much less attractive solution than concrete or pavers, and in general needs to be re-sealed every year.


Despite the dislike by many member of the HOA to dues increases and / or special assessments, the Board continues to receive complaints about the condition of the hardscape.  If the Board is to fulfil their duties of maintaining the hardscape in accordance with the original design, finish or standard of construction, something will need to be done in the near future.  With limited reserves for such an undertaking, these costs will still need to be covered by either an increase in HOA dues, or a special assessment.  In order for there to be a transparent and open discussion with the HOA about this issue, a survey (link at top of page) has been created to help the Board know how individual home owners would like to deal with this hardscape issue.  Also this is a great opportunity for home owners to get involved themselves.  


Results of Survey as of February 2011:

30 of 48 homeowners have completed the survey

Question 2:  In general, would you like to see improvements made to the hardscape (driveways and walkways) of the La Quinta Tennis Villas?

Answers:  50% Yes, 50% No

Question 3:  If improvements are made to the hardscape, which would you prefer the HOA Board to pursue?

Answers:  Continue to fix small areas as needed - 57%, Find a solution to replace, use assessment - 33%, Find a solution to replace, increase

dues, 10%

Question 4:  If the hardscape is removed and replaced, which material would you prefer for it to be replaced with? 

Answers:  Interlocking pavers - 50%, Concrete - 40%, Asphalt - 10%

Question 8:  A few of the 6 out of 48 home owners on the exterior sides of Calle Mazatlan and Calle Fernando have expressed their non-interest in contributing to any driveway improvements, as they don't look at and rarely ever use the driveways. If a special assessment was to be proposed, which of the following do you more agree with?

Answers:  All homeowners should pay equal amounts - 90%, 6 exterior home owners to only pay for improvements to their own walkway  - 10%