Beverly Lapham

Current Position

Recent Research Projects

"A Gravity Analysis of Inter-Provincial Trade," with Daniel Teeter, QED Working Paper No. 1507, under review at the European Economic Review, August 2023 

``Pass-Through in the Presence of Consumer Search and Firm Heterogeneity:  Theory and Estimation,"  with Alex Chernoff and Allen Head, manuscript, July 2023.

"A Structural Gravity Approach to Cross-Border Travel" with Jen Baggs and Loretta Fung, manuscript, May 2021.

Selected Publications

``A Competitive Search Approach to Exchange Rate Pass-Through," with Ayman Mnasri, Economic Theory, 76, July 2023, 153-201. 

``An Empirical Examination of the Effect of Covid-19 Travel Restrictions on Canadians' Cross Border Travel and Canadian Retailers", with Jen Baggs and Loretta Fung, Canadian Public Policy, 48(1), March 2022, 162-185.

``Exchange Rates, Cross-Border Travel, and Retailers:  Theory and Empirics," with Jen Baggs and Loretta Fung, Journal of International Economics, 115, November 2018, 59-79.

``The Canadian Border and the US Dollar: The Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on US Retailers," with Zhe Chen and Michael B. Devereux, Canadian Journal of Economics, 50(5), December 2017, 1525-1555.

``International Trade with Firm Heterogeneity:  Theoretical Developments and Policy Implications," in Redesigning Canadian Trade Policies for New Global Realities, The Art of the State Series, Vol. VI, Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2017, 39-76.

``Firm Dynamics in Retail Trade:  The Response of Canadian Retailers to Exchange Rate Shocks," with Jen Baggs, Eugene Beaulieu, and Loretta Fung, Review of International Economics, 24(3), August 2016, 635-66.

 ``Firms in International Trade:  Trade Policy Implications of the New New Trade Theory," with Dan Ciuriak and Robert Wolfe, (with Terry Collins-Williams and John Curtis), Global Policy, 6(2), May 2015, 130-140.

``Productivity and the Decision to Import and Export:  Theory and Evidence," with Hiroyuki Kasahara, Journal of International Economics, 89(2), March 2013, 297-316.