Latin American Network in Economic HistOry and Political Economy
The virtual Latin American Network in Economic HistOry and Political Economy (LANE HOPE) seminar series aims at bringing together researchers from different corners of the continent working on these topics. We will have a Zoom seminar approximately every two weeks (with exceptions to accommodate for some holidays) where scholars will present their research papers. The seminar is open to faculty and graduate students interested in these areas of research.
Details to connect via Zoom will be sent to registered participants the day before each meeting.
We are currently accepting new submissions. The first slots available are in mid October/early November 2021. To submit your work, please use this form.
Upcoming Seminars
Calendar: Use this link to access and subscribe to our Calendar (Google, for iCal format please follow this link).
Monday, September 27th, 2021 (3:15 pm Eastern Time)
Jorge Mangonnet: Property Formation in Weak States: Theory and Evidence from Imperial Brazil
Giorgio Chiovelli, Universidad de Montevideo
Leopoldo Fergusson, Universidad de los Andes
Seminar Rules
Format: 40 minutes presentation + 20 minutes discussion
Asking questions
Presentation: we will allow clarifying questions, which will be sent to the moderator. Only the moderator can interrupt the speaker at this stage.
Discussion: we will operate with moderated questions. After raising her hand, the attendee will be unmuted (on a first come, first served basis) by the moderator and ask her question to the speaker.
Registering to our mailing list and submitting your paper
To join our mailing list or if you would like to present, please use this form.
To participate in discussions and connect initiatives beyond the seminars, you can join our Google Groups forum.