Prepare yourself for an epic journey of conquest, as Landgrabbers invites you to step into the shoes of a cunning commander, leading armies to dominate vast lands and establish your reign. Brace yourself for an unparalleled strategy experience that will push your tactical skills to the limit.

Employers can make a huge impact on this particular situation by staying aware of what departments or individuals will be the most effective for upcoming projects. Keeping abreast of land grabbing behavior will keep all departments on an even kilter and will allow for other employees and departments to show talent on projects that would have previously been consumed by the land grabbers.

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Employers have the best chance of thwarting this behavior without causing additional hostility because they can change the game without pointing fingers or saying that anyone is doing anything wrong (usually). If a project is being assigned in a meeting and the land grabber already has their hand(s) up, simply consider who(m) would be the best fit for this project, or if there are any departments light on work, and assign the project based on reason and not just whichever person starts foaming at the mouth in excitement.

KARACHI, April 4 Encroachers, reportedly patronised by the land mafia and influential groups in the city, have launched a well-planned assault on the open public spaces - parks, playgrounds, etc - in North Nazimabad, and the illegal structures are being raised at breakneck speed, Dawn has learnt.

The city district government Karachi, while accepting that the land is being occupied, has expressed its inability to stop the violation of the rules, which are otherwise so strict that even a plot reserved for one type of amenity cannot be used for another.

Prof Sutherland recounted that in the early days of radio, the frequency range had been greatly reduced to have community radio stations with a low-power FM in a small area. This frequency could now be used many times over the country. There were a growing number of satellite frequencies but if the frequency were to be refocused, it could either be used in different parts of South Africa (SA) or in different countries.

Mr C Mackenzie (DA) asked about the health risks associated with frequencies or cellphones. He referred to an example of being on a call and holding the phone to his left ear but being unable to clearly hear the person on the other end. When the phone is moved to the right ear the call becomes clearer. He said he understood that the phone uses the body as an aerial and asked if this was correct. He asked Prof. Sutherland to expand on this. He commended Prof Sutherland on his presentation, saying that he made complex topics easy to understand.

Prof Sutherland said that he used to be a part of a Committee in Denmark with a colleague whose job entailed designing antennas. He then explained that cell phones had multiple antennas built into them in different frequency bands. This could be an issue with consumers and those who designed the antennas would get upset over this as they would like to increase the size of the antennas. The design of the phone was intended to work with different frequency bands.

Ms P Van Damme (DA) thanked Prof Sutherland for his presentation, saying that it was fascinating and that it was good to have some intellectual stimulation. Some Members were constantly receiving communication from the public about 5G and she thought it was important that Parliament put the public at ease using the information from the presentation in order to provide clarity that there 5G posed no real danger; these were conspiracy theories.

Prof Sutherland responded that no technology was like this and that there were always downsides to technology. There would be challenges to 4G, 5G and 6G networks in ensuring their availability to the poor in rural areas and in get businesses to use it. User data from WhatsApp or Instagram is collected by Facebook and used to customise adverts to be targeted to the user. At one point there had been large revenues for text messaging in South Africa (SA) but these revenues were now collapsing. If one paid a Netflix subscription, it used the money to commission new programmes; this was also done in SA. This meant that there would be a shift from the SABC to Netflix. There would be benefits and challenges to existing business models. People should be thinking about this.

Prof Sutherland referred to the Titanic ship which sank after knocking into an iceberg. The ship transmitted signals but nearby ships were not listening to the correct frequencies; this led them to coordinating spectrum. He said that nations had agreed on the framework for spectrums with a certain amount of variation between them, but this was being eroded because of the pressure to use equipment in certain bands.

Parliament must provide oversight on Ministers and regulators; it must also scrutinise legislation and the effects of the spectrum on health, market structures, process as well as national competitiveness, as with the 4IR. Prof. Sutherland said a colleague in Grahamstown had done research which showed that some people had mobile phones but could not afford data.

Prof. Sutherland responded on the difference between developed and developing countries, saying that a more useful distinction to draw was between manufacturing and non-manufacturing countries in telecommunications equipment. These countries consisted of East Asia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the USA, although they did not do much of their own manufacturing but more the design of equipment. In European terms this would be Sweden, Finland and perhaps the Netherlands. The difference was that if a meeting about 5G was held in SA, operators would mostly be in attendance. If the same meeting was held in Tokyo many more handset manufacturers, such as Toshiba, would be in attendance and this would bring a different dynamic to the discussion. National participation of international government conferences was very challenging. SA had not ratified or signed many treaties but had signed the Budapest Convention and the African Union Convention. The instruments of ratification had not been sent to the secretariat.

Prof Sutherland said that in a sense, everyone was a user and the large global manufacturers were in relatively small numbers. There were five or six operators who constituted the handset market and the rest could only be innovative in ways such as developing applications. The world was globalised. President Donald Trump had reportedly refused to bring manufacturing back into the US and had so far persuaded a Taiwanese semi-conductor/manufacturer to build a new foundry in Arizona which would cost $24 billion over five years. South Africa must consider what it wanted to focus on and how to formulate its laws, policies and regulations to deliver this goal. The country must be flexible and consider how this would fit into an agricultural and mining economy and what its consequences were. He highlighted that technology was global and that it would keep changing. It would have been easier to deal with the dominance of the two large mobile operators ten years ago, but something must be done now.

Prof Sutherland responded that he was aware that ICASA was doing a market review and the results seemed to present that ICASA would conduct a series of auctions. Third and fourth operators had not had much impact on the market and he did not think that this could entirely be attributed to the operatives. Something was wrong with the regulatory structure or regulations which resulted in the inability of Cell-C and Telkom to affect the market positions of the two larger operators. Either ICASA did not have the data of the market or the capacity to get it. The Electronic Communications Act of 2005 may had also prevented this from happening in a way that would have created a more balanced competitive market. If this were the case, ICASA should have approached Parliament.

Dr Abrahams said that the questions were difficult and that she did not think Prof Sutherland was answering them satisfactorily; he was rather engaging in discussion with the Committee. She said the questions could continue to be discussed in future engagements and asked that he move on to the final presentation.

The 5G spectrum was moving quite rapidly. Smartphone operators were available and some work was being done on fixed wireless access, which would take it into a choice between broadband and fiberoptic broadband. Operators had already bought and installed network equipment and this was a lot more complex than 4G networks, as there were more manufacturers involved, more software tools and artificial intelligence. In the past, a number of manufacturers had been commissioned to build networks; this would now be more challenging. There was currently some growth in data consumption in countries such as Finland, where large forms of data were used and there was no download cap. This would not bring any new revenue to operators and would come from industrial applications like the internet as opposed to coming from people watching Netflix or using WhatsApp.

WOAN was an idea originating from New Zealand and was known as a spectrum part. The catch in building a wholesale open business network was that a network must be built and its capacity must be leased to service providers.

IMSI-grabbers were fake mobile stations which talked to mobile phones to obtain handset and SIM card numbers which could then be linked to RICA data to identify the owner of the phone. There were two RICA incidents. One incident took place during the State of the Nation Address by former President, Mr Jacob Zuma, in 2016; the second incident was in Irene Mall, where people were found with IMSI-grabbers. There were challenges posed by IMSI-grabbers from a parliamentary perspective because it raised questions on who oversaw the use of IMSI-grabbers. It was believed to be used by the police and intelligence services. A constitutional ruling by Judge Sutherland was yet to be heard. 006ab0faaa

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