Lancaster PhD Summer School

"Bayesian Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics "

29th and 30th June 2020, Lancaster University

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, this year's Summer School will be held ONLINE using ZOOM WEBINAR.

General Description

The aim of the Summer School is to provide an overview of cutting-edge research and methodologies in econometrics and applied macroeconometrics, and to offer opportunities to PhD students/early career researchers for interactions and exchange of ideas via poster presentations and a limited number of regular presentations. Participation in the event is free of charge. Participants are expected to attend the entire event. This event is supported by the Department of Economics at Lancaster University, ESRC NWSSDTP, the Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy and Timberlake Consultants.

Format: ZOOM Webinar (Zoom-link will be sent to the registered participants)

The speaker:

Professor Gary Koop (University of Strathclyde)

ONLINE Summer School Programme:

Monday 29th


An Overview of Bayesian Econometrics

Bayesian Inference in the Normal Linear Regression Model


Bayesian Methods for Regression Models with Big Data

Bayesian VARs

Tuesday 30th

10am-12am: Bayesian State Space Modelling

2pm-4pm: Regional Nowcasting using a Mixed Frequency VAR

Past Summer Schools

For programme details of the last summer schools, follow the links below:

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