Assistant Professor, Yukti Coordinator (IIC)
Office Phone: (011) 25258637,25278443 Extn.: 290
Ph.D. (Pursuing) from Delhi Technical University, New Delhi.
M.Tech. in Design of Mechanical Equipment (Mechanical Engineering) from Lingayas’s Univerisity, New Delhi in 2012.
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from (D.I.E.T) Kurukshetra University, Haryana in 2008.
Gate-2015 Qualified
Area of Specialization:
Design of Mechanical Equipment
Leaf spring Design
Bond Graph Modeling
Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle
Work Experience:
Teaching: 17 Yrs.
Subjects Taught:
Strength of Material
Theory of Machine
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Graphics
Machine Design
Computer Aided Design
Manufacturing Process
Books Publications: Lab Manuals=02, Book=01
Published Mechanical lab manual (WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY) for UNIQUE PUBLICATION.
Published a book "Basic of Mechanical Engineering" for New India Publication Agency (NIPA) eISBN-9789395319362. Contributed chapters are: Thermal Stress and strain, Shear force and bending moment, Mohr’s circle. Link to Book:
Recieved 1st Prize winner Award from H’nble Vice Chancellor, NIFTEM for VILLAGE ADOPTION PROGRAM
Technical Profficiency:
Auto cad
Bond Graph Simulation
Paper Presented in International/National Conference:
Presented a paper on “Bond Graph Modeling and Optimization of Linear Suspension Quarter Car Model Using RSM Approach” at the International conference ICARI-2025 held at Delhi State Center, Institution of Engineers, New Delhi, India, on January 28th, 2025.
Presented a paper on “Modeling and Implementation of PID Controller in Vehicle Ride Comfort Improvement Using Bond Graph” in International conference- ICCEMME-2023 held during 9th-11th , February 2023 organised by G.L Bajaj Institue of Technollogy & Management, Greater Noida
Presented a paper on “Dynamic Simulation Of Bio-Dynamic Human Model Coupled With Full Car Model Using Bond Graph” in International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMA-XVI) held during 16th-18th December, 2021 organized by B. M. S College of Engineering Bengaluru.
Paper title "Modelling of integrated bio-dynamic human model with full car using bond graph for IRC:99-1988 bump" accepted in International Journal of Vehicle Design (IJVD) for upcoming special issue 'Intelligent Vehicle Dynamics and Safety Technology' (SCIE). Impact Factor: 1.3 (5 Year)
Paper title "Modeling and Implementation of PID Controller in Vehicle Ride Comfort Improvement Using Bond Graph" published in International Journal Maritime Engineering (SCIE)
Paper title "An intelligent greenhouse monitoring and control system employing Internet of Things" published online: 30/03/2024 in Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences (JIOS) (ESCI) (Vol. 45 (2024), No. 2, pp. 571–579) ISSN 0252-2667 (Print), ISSN 2169-0103 (Online)
Paper title "Multi-response optimization of FSW process parameters of dissimilar aluminum alloys of AA2014 and AA6061 by response surface methodology (RSM)" published in International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (ESCI & Scopus Indexed) (Volume 17, Issue 3)
Paper title "Integrated MCDM model for prioritization of new electric vehicle selection" published in Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering (Scopus Indexed) Link-
Book chapter title "Modified Adaptive Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization method for Fractional order chaotic systems with uncertain parameters" published in "Advances in Special Functions of Fractional Calculus: Special Functions in Fractional Calculus and Their Applications in Engineering" by BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS (ISBN- 978-981-5079-0(print) ISBN-978-981-5079-33-3(e-copy) and doi:10.2174/97898150793331230101 in April 2023
Seminar/Conference/FDP/Workshop Attended:
Attended AICTE Recognized one-week FDP on "ADVANCED AUTO CAD" during 15th-19th January 2024 organised
by Mechanical Engineering Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh
Attended one week short-term course on "Power system Restructuring & Renewable Energy Integration (PSRREI)
5.0" (Theme: Modelling and Design of Solar Powered Vehicle) during 11th-18th August 2023 organised by B.V.C.O.E,
New Delhi
Attended 02 days Capacity Building Workshop on "OBE & Accreditation Process(NEP-2020: Towards Holistic
Education" during 02-03 June, 2023 organised by BVEC, New Delhi
Participated in One Week Online Short-Term Training Programme on “Emerzing Optimization
Techniques For Engineering Applications”during 27 Sep.-1st Oct, 2021 organised by J.C Raja Ram Iinstitute
of Technology, Rajaramnagar.
Completed Online Course Programme on “Response Surface, Mixture And Model Building” during 18th July-29th July 2020 on Course Era Completed Online Course Programme on “Introduction To Basic Vibration” during 1st July-7th July 2020 on Course Era
Participated in one day webinar on “Webinar On Assessment And Accreditation Process For Institutions Of Higher Educations” on 30th June 2020 organised by Government College, Narnaul, Haryana
Participated in one day workshop on “International Symposium On Covid 19 & Beyond: The New Normals In Heis” on 10th June 2020 organized by J.C Bose University Of Science & Technology, Ymca, Faridabad.
Attended one-week Q.I.P course on “Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Systems: Theories, Concepts and Its Applications” during 09th-13th December , 2019 at I.I.T Kanpur.
Participated in one day workshop on “Study and analysis of Mathematical Models of Moving Boundary Problems” on 17th August 2019 at I.I.T, BHU.
Participated in one week International Lecture series on “Bond Graph Modeling And Simulation- (BMS-2018)” during 01st-05th October , 2018 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
Participated in Three days “Faculty Development Program For Student Induction (FDP-SI) ” during 13th-15th July , 2018 at Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE)
Participated in one day National Seminar on “CYBERCRIME: Awareness and Defense” on 9th March 2018 at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, New Delhi
Participated in one-day Research Conclave entitled “Methodology Of Research Paper Writing And Latex” on 26th February 2018 at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, New Delhi
Attended TEQIP Program on “Finite Element Method For Engineering Application” during 12th-16th June 2017, at I.I.T, Roorkee.
Participated in one day National Seminar on “Renewable Energy Potential & Status In India Energy Conservation” on 9th November 2016 at Bharati Vidya Peeth College of Engineering, New Delhi
Attended TEQIP two week summer school program on “Thermodynamics” during 20th June-3rd July 2016, at I.I.T, Gandhinagar
Participated in AICTE recognized short term course on “Alternate Energy Sources & Energy Conservation” through ICT during 27th- 31st July 2015 at N.I.E.C, Delhi