After surviving the attack in Lake Placid: The Final Chapter, Jim Bickerman, due to his injuries, is left with an eye patch, hook and wooden leg. Working in Black Lake, Maine, with another mercenary named Beach, they capture a female giant crocodile. They take it back to their truck, where two scientists crossbreed its blood with a female giant anaconda to perfect a Blood Orchid serum. However, the crocodile escapes, killing a scientist, and freeing a female and two male anacondas before causing the truck to explode. The explosion destroys part of the electric fence keeping the crocodiles in Black Lake. Beach, Bickerman, and the one remaining scientist survive. A small group of crocodiles also escape.

The crocodiles search for food and one kills Daphne Mailer and her boyfriend, while another kills the remaining scientist, and multiple baby crocodiles kill a poacher. The crocodiles eventually make their way to nearby Clear Lake, along with the anacondas.

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Reba, now the sheriff of Black Lake, calls U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officer Will "Tully" Tull to help recapture the escaped crocodiles. Meanwhile, a group of college sorority girls from Delta Gamma, led by Tiffani and Amber, and two fraternity boys from Sigma Phi, Brett and Andrew, arrive at Clear Lake to initialize some new members, including Margo and Tully's daughter, Bethany.

The crocodiles feast upon sorority girls along with Amber (whom Tiffani pushes towards the crocodiles), Brett, Andrew, and Heather (the latter three who were wakeboarding). The survivors run into the forest to get to the cars. The girls left the keys on the beach, but the crocodiles attack the students. One of the girls, Cassie, runs out of Jennifer's car, try to escape, but a crocodile eats her. Tiffani's car is crushed by an anaconda with Jennifer still inside. A crocodile kills Tiffani and the others flee.

Deputy Ferguson discovers one of the surviving sorority girls hiding on a boat. The traumatized girl, Melissa, is taken to a hospital, while Tully and Reba continue to search for Bethany. Clear Lake is evacuated by Ferguson.

Sarah Murdoch, the sociopathic daughter of the late Peter "J.D." Murdoch and CEO of Wexel Hall Corporation in New York, leads a team of herself, Beach, Bickerman, and two mercenaries and go to capture the female anaconda before it lays its eggs, hoping to finish her father's work. One of the mercenaries is attacked by a crocodile, and Beach is forced to shoot them both.

Tully and Reba are attacked by a crocodile, which is in turn attacked by an anaconda, which crushes the crocodile until it explodes. The anaconda then escapes. Sarah's group steals a boat, but Bickerman falls off and is dragged underwater by a crocodile. After landing, the other mercenary is killed by an anaconda. Tully and Reba kill the other anaconda and rescue Bethany, Margo, and Jane. They regroup along with Ferguson until Sarah and Beach arrive. They discover two crocodiles eating a male anaconda. The female anaconda appears and kills a crocodile, and a crocodile flings the male anaconda into a helicopter containing Sarah's extraction team, causing it to crash. The female anaconda kills the crocodile and eats Beach alive, who sacrifices his life by detonating a grenade and killing the anaconda that swallowed him, devastating Sarah's chances of completing her father's project. Sarah is arrested and Bickerman, who survived, emerges from the lake, laughing maniacally. One last crocodile appears, but Reba and Tully quickly kill it.

The Giant Saltwater Crocodile arrived suddenly at Black Lake, Maine, after having swam there from an unknown location across the Pacific Ocean and finally reached North America. It ended up in Black Lake and decided to stay there, and town officials soon found there to be something in the lake which should not be there after a diver was found to have been attacked and killed by an unknown animal.

Police forces and a paleontologist was sent after to investigate and soon found this species of giant crocodile living in the lake, and that a woman living by the lake had been feeding them livestock. Two crocodiles were eventually found to exist in the lake, a male and a female, and the female was killed while the male was captured and transported away from the lake to an undisclosed location. However, this couple had already spawned, and the babies were left in the lake to be fed by the lonely woman living in the area.

The offspring of these giant crocodiles survived unto adulthood and initiated a new wave of terror across the lake with all its inhabitants and tourists. The crocodiles kept reproducing, and many people around the area of the lake were hunted, killed and eaten by these crocodiles, and the town officials and people around the lake started killing them off.

At one point, so few signs existed of the crocodiles survival that it was suspected extinct, but some signs still suggested that they could still be alive and there was controversy over whether the animals should be protected or eradicated. But a new litter of crocodiles was found to be alive, which were constantly fed by a young boy who visited the area, and they later invaded the nearby town. These animals were eventually exterminated and they had now been declared extinct.

Although the animals once again returned and proved to have survived, so now town officials had a large electric fence put up around the lake so that people should stay away from harm and so that the animals wouldn't be harmed. But a group of people accidentally ventured into the area and the crocodiles escaped the enclosure around the lake. Once again, many people died, and the crocodiles were killed off. But not entirely.

Sarah Murdoch, daughter of the late Peter "J.D." Murdoch and CEO of Wexel Hall Corporation in New York, leads a team of herself, Beach, Bickerman and two mercenaries and go to capture the female anaconda before it lays its eggs. One of the mercenaries is attacked by a crocodile, and Beach is forced to shoot them both.

A group of activists consisting of Jade, her younger sister Alice, Jade's boyfriend Sam, hacker Billy, and their friend Spencer, are challenged by Sam's ex-friend Dane over a video to travel to an island in the middle of a lake that harbors an old research facility. The group travels to the island on boat with rangers Pennie, and Travis, and begin exploring. They soon find the dead body of Dane's friend Gomez in a tree, as well as Dane's camera, which depicts him being attacked by something. In the video, he talks of a man named Henderson who supposedly abandoned him. The group attempts to leave, although something causes the boat to drift onto the lake with Travis on it, and Pennie is dragged into the water by a rope. When Travis attempts to save her, he's eaten by the creature, leaving Sam to save her, and the group is left stranded on the island.

The remaining survivors find, and enter the facility, and are forced to climb down into another section of the facility using a rope. When the creature, revealed to be a 50-foot crocodile, arrives, Jade, Sam, and Alice become separated from Billy, Spencer, and Pennie in the facility. As Jade, Sam, and Alice explore the facility, Billy goes down to a dock to reach an electrical outlet in order to make a phone call to the police. However, he quickly loses the signal, and Spencer is pulled into the water, and killed by the crocodile. Pennie forces Billy to reach the others while she stays behind to fight the crocodile. The crocodile follows Pennie into a tunnel where it quickly kills her.

Jade, Sam, and Alice soon find Dane alive in the facility, and he shows them to Henderson, who is a man who used to work at the facility. He was part of an experiment to weaponize crocodiles, and notes that when the program was shut down, one of the crocodile's caregivers took a few juveniles away to Black Lake in Maine where the rest of the series had taken place. He introduced Dane and Gomez to the facility, and used them as a way to get back into the facility to continue the experiments. Meanwhile, Billy reaches another building, and manages to contact the other survivors, although he's soon killed when the crocodile breaks in. Henderson escapes in the chaos, and Jade, Sam, Alice, and Dane make an attempt to escape. Henderson attempts to trap the group in the facility by flooding it, although they manage to swim through the flood, and escape into another section of the facility.

In Black Lake, Maine, mercenary Beach and Jim Bickerman capture a female giant crocodile. They take it back to their truck, where two scientists crossbreed with a female giant anaconda to perfect the Blood Orchid serum. However, the crocodile escapes and kills a scientist, before she frees the female and two male anacondas, causing the truck to explode and destroying part of the electric fence, keeping the crocodiles in Black Lake, though Beach, Bickerman, and the remaining scientist survive. However, a small group of crocodiles also escape.

The crocodiles kill multiple sorority girls along with Amber, Brett, Andrew and Heather. The survivors run into the forest to get to the cars of Tiffani and Jennifer. However, Jennifer left her keys on the beach. One of the Girls, Cassie, runs out of Jennifers Car, but at crocodile draws its attention to her and eats her alive. Tiffanis car ist crushed by a anaconda with Jennifer still inside. Tiffani was later eaten, to the horror of Bethany. Deputy Ferguson discovers one of the surviving sorority girls hiding on a boat. The traumatized girl, Melissa, is taken to a hospital as Tully and Reba continue to search for Bethany while Clear Lake is evacuated by Ferguson.

Sarah Murdoch, daughter of the late Peter "J.D." Murdoch and CEO of Wexel Hall Corporation in New York, leads a team of herself, Beach, Bickerman and two mercenaries and go to capture the female anaconda before it lays her eggs. However, one of the mercenaries is attacked by a crocodile, and Beach is forced to shoot them both. 152ee80cbc

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