LAK 2024 : Marrying Asset- and Deficit-Based Approaches

This workshop explores how learning analytics can reconcile deficit- and asset-based approaches. Deficit-based models, which focus on identifying and remedying learner shortcomings, have been effective but may neglect students' existing strengths. Conversely, asset-based approaches emphasize recognizing learners' identities as assets to their learning. We advocate for a combination of both. We ground our discussion in the data feminism framework, which scrutinizes power structures in data design and interpretation. We will delve into three core data feminism principles: examine power, challenge power, and rethink binaries and hierarchies, to construct narratives affirming students' diverse identities. Through presentations, discussions, and interactive activities, we aim to develop a set of questions that allow researchers to reflect on their data and create cohesive narratives aligning asset and deficit perspectives.

Notes about workshop: In this workshop, we are not referring to a cultural deficit perspective which posits that students from certain groups cannot achieve due to their cultural background. The deficit view overlooks broader social inequalities faced by diverse student groups, and can have unethical side effects within learning analytics.

Additionally, we guide this workshop using the data feminism framework, which takes an intersectional approach to defining the power structures involved in designing, collecting, and interpreting data. Data feminism posits that data is not neutral, and encodes elements of our identity and cultural experiences (both of those designing data collection methods, and those from whom data is collected). Particularly relevant for our context, this framework also highlights the ways data can be used to construct narratives that challenge both power structures and our understanding of students.

Workshop Goals

For attendees, the key outcomes of the workshop are:

Workshop Details

In Person

LAK 2024 - Kyoto

Tuesday 19th March - Local timeĀ