A Learning-based Adaptive Compliance Method for Symmetric Bi-manual Manipulation

Learning-based Adaptive Compliance Method (LAC)

We propose a novel Learning-based Adaptive Compliance (LAC) algorithm to improve the efficiency and adaptability of symmetric bi-manual manipulation.


The video intuitively shows the effectiveness of LAC in the dual-arm cooperative handling and the peg-in-hole assembly operations.


We further made the following contributions:


We present the algorithm framework of LAC used in the symmetric bi-manual manipulation. It is a centralized framework consists of two parts. The high-level module is the reinforcement learning running at 20 Hz that provided the object's desired trajectory and the parameters of the impedance controller. The low-level module is the impedance control running at a frequency lower than that of the high-level module. 



The simulation environments of the dual-arm cooperative handling and peg-in-hole assembly are built in Mujoco.


The following figures and tables compare the performance of different algorithms in the two practical operations.