Why earth mined diamond cost so much

Diamonds are symbols of enduring beauty and love. A natural diamond is usually so- called because it is mined from the earth. Earth mined diamonds close enough to the surface. Mined diamonds are carried upwards in a special and rare form of volcanic eruption. The only difference is its origin. Earth mined diamonds are expensive for many reasons. Diamond price does not only depend on just color and carat weight of the diamond. There are lots of factors like cut, color, clarity, carat which decide the worth of the diamond. Earth mined diamonds takes lot of digging. Let me tell you one example - when they find one carat total weight of diamond after digging. Then they have to cut it, and the only thing on earth that can cut and polish diamonds are other diamonds that yousee in jewelry. Then they shape and cut the diamond according to latest fashion. From there it has to be sold from cutter to wholesaler to retailer. The retailer has overheads like rent, employees, taxes, costs of running the business. That has to get added into price so they make a profit and can stay in business.

It takes lot of effort and time and capital investment for earth mined diamonds. Earth mined diamonds goes through various process. Adding cost of the final product. That’s why earth mined diamonds cost so much. That's why today’s generation prefers to buy lab - grown diamonds. Cause lab-grown diamonds are more cheaper than earth mined diamonds. And also lab created diamonds are environmentally friendly and earth mined diamonds also known as cultured diamonds. Lab grown diamonds does not put any worker to dangerous working conditions and maintain a safe and sound environment. When diamonds are mined from the earth, two forms of energies are used in large quantities electricity and hydrocarbons. And the only energy requirement in growing lab grown diamonds in labs is a modest amount of electricity. A lab grown diamonds are real diamonds. Lab grown diamonds are just as a natural diamond in term of hardness and all the properties only that these gems have been created by man in an environment.