Pre-conference Events

Pre-conference event track

Workshops (4 pages) provide an efficient forum for community building, sharing of perspectives, and idea generation for specific and emerging research topics or viewpoints. Proposals should be explicit regarding the kind of activity participants should expect, for example from interactive/generative participatory sessions to mini-conference or symposium sessions.

Tutorials (4 pages) aim to educate stakeholders on a specific learning analytics topic or stakeholder perspective. Proposals should be clear about the need for the particular knowledge, the target audience and their prior knowledge, and the intended learning outcomes.

Tentative program

August 7: Friday

9:00 - 17:00 Workshop sessions

17:30 Welcome Reception

August 8: Saturday

9:00 Opening Ceremony

9:30 Keynote

10:30 - 17:00 Main conference session

18:30 Banquet

August 9: Sunday

9:00 Panel Discussion

10:00-16:30 Main conference session

16:30-17:00 Closing Ceremony

Submission details

Workshops provide an efficient forum for community building, sharing of perspectives, and idea generation for specific and emerging research topics or viewpoints. Tutorials aim to educate stakeholders on a specific learning analytics topic or stakeholder perspective. Proposals should be explicit regarding the kind of activity participants should expect and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Mini-tracks/Symposia: Organizers will typically publish a call for papers, select a number of presenters based on a common topic, invite keynoters, and organize the events as a mini conference
  • Interactive workshop sessions: Organizers will typically elicit some shorter input presentations, but emphasis will be placed on discussion, participatory or generative activities
  • Tutorials: Organizers will prepare a more guided introduction to a topic including hands-on activities for the participants
  • Technology sessions (e.g., hackathons, datathons, demo sprints): Organizers will prepare an interactive session that will focus on collaborative exploration or generation of technology

The Chairs will seek to balance proposals from across the continuum.

Submission Types

Proposals should be a maximum of four pages using the proceedings template (including referenes) and should include the following information in order to enable reviewers to judge the importance, quality, and benefits for the LA-Asia community.

  • Workshop/tutorial title
  • Workshop/tutorial background – indicating the motivation for the workshop/tutorial topic. Why is this topic of particular interest for LA-Asia? What is its contribution to the research field? If a similar relevant workshop or tutorial has been organised at past learning analytics-oriented conferences then you should describe how your proposal builds upon these past events.
  • Organisational details of proposed event:
    • Type of event (see above for appropriate categories)
    • Proposed schedule and duration (half-day or full-day)
    • Type of participation: e.g., ‘by application’ (i.e., only persons with a paper submission may attend), ‘open’ workshop (i.e., any interested delegate may register to attend), or ‘mixed participation’
    • The workshop/tutorial activities that participants should expect: e.g., symposia elements, birds of a feather, group-based demos, discussion groups, presentations, poster sessions, etc.
    • Expected participant numbers and planned dissemination activities to recruit attendants
  • Workshop/tutorial objectives or intended outcomes – What are the objectives that the workshop or tutorial aims to achieve? How will these outcomes be disseminated? (e.g. #hashtag of the event, mailing lists, etc.) Whether publication of the workshop contributions is intended (and if so, how many contributions can be expected), or whether the organizers will organize their own publication?
  • Structure and contents of the workshop website
  • References