Kyle Hamer

Insight Coach

What is Insight Coaching?

Insight Coaching allows someone to see their world differently than they did before. When someone's perspective changes, they can no longer un-see the new paradigm. For example, look at the FedEx Logo... ever notice the arrow in the 'Ex' before? Once you've seen it, you've gained a new perspective.

When we are able to shift our perspective, we are able to solve problems and create new opportunities where we couldn't see previously.

Insights are subtle... they are a slight shift in the body or an exhale of breath. Following an insight, a person typically goes into deep thought as a whole new world of possibilities just opened up to them and they immediately start creating them in their mind.

A single insight can shift your entire world. It can change your entire Being!

Why Coaching?

''We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them"

~ Albert Einstein

We are too close to our worlds to see what is happening. It takes someone outside of our experience to point out what we cannot see. We cannot 'fix' what we cannot see.

Inherently we all have set patterns and ways of Being that were developed throughout our lifetimes. These programs are typically established through our environments, parents, family, friends, and teachers. Astonishingly, about 80% of our mental programming was established by the time we were just 8 years old!

How we respond at 20, 30, 40, and even at 70 years old can be the exact same response that served us when we were 6... For good and bad.

It's safe to say that the saying, "What got us here, won't get us there" has never been truer.

Benefits of Coaching?

  • Level up your Finances

  • Improve your Relationships

  • Build Confidence

  • Gain Clarity on your Vision/Purpose

  • Set Meaningful Goals

  • Discover More Joy & Fulfilment

  • Become a Better Leader

  • Slow Down to Speed Up (Do More with Less)

What Makes a Great Coach?

A Great Coach:

  • Listens intensely. You should feel completely heard!

  • Is willing to tell you what nobody else is willing to tell you

  • Is willing to get uncomfortable themselves

  • Is not attached to your goals or stories

  • Challenges you to think differently

  • Is more committed to being your coach than your friend

  • Acknowledges that you are the only person that matters

  • Does NOT provide all the answers

  • Does NOT have to be experienced at what you do, they just need to be great at what they do, Coaching

  • Is NOT your boss to tell you what to do.

Jez Hunt - Mindset Coach

Loughborough, UK

Kyle just seems to know what questions to ask to get to the root of the problem. One of the most exciting things about working with Kyle is the buzz you get when you're pushed out of your comfort zone, come up with a plan and then put it into action! Life really does take on new meaning when you construct your life in the way you want it. If you are looking for change and want to work with someone to connect with yourself, redesign your environment and life and then take action to implement it, then I highly recommend coaching with Kyle.

Who is Coaching for?

First, let me state that nobody needs a coach... Coaching is optional, not a prerequisite.

Coaching might be for you if:

  • You want Better Results

  • You want to Challenge Yourself

  • You are open to Gaining new Perspectives

  • You can okay with being Uncomfortable

  • You want to Create more in the World

  • You want to be the Best version of your Self

Coaching is not for you if:

  • You already have all the answers

  • You are not open to new ideas or new ways of thinking

  • You seek comfort over discomfort

  • You are not willing to be challenged

Prateek Singh - PREC Realtor RE/MAX

Vancouver, BC

"Kyle is and incredible human and an upstanding man who takes immense care in listening and communicating with you. I've know Kyle for sometime now and each time I have reached out, he's guided and shared perspective with me that I would have never sourced. He's unbiased, rational and more importantly, very cognizant of your emotions. No matter what facet of life you're in, you will immensely benefit with even an interaction with him and walk away with incredible value and mindset. I highly recommend Kyle to anyone looking for coaching, nurturing and above all, someone who really takes time to listen and has excellent interpersonal skills."

"Thank you Kyle."

Why Me?

We often find our greatest strengths from our greatest challenges... For me, that was growing up in a small town where I was very isolated and alone throughout school. In class I was glued to my studies while during lunch and recess I would find myself in the company of supervisors or wandering the halls waiting for class to go back. I know what it feels like to not be seen and heard, and it's painful!

It was in this struggle that I learned how to be quiet, to listen and observe the world around me. I picked up on patterns that everyone else was oblivious to. Having never 'fit in' in school also meant that I was different. My experience was far different than that of most students and as a result I think I seen the world a little differently. Because I absorbed myself in my studies (but not too much as I didn't want to stand out) I did well in school and found myself tutoring and teaching those around me.

I've been fired from more jobs that I care to count, typically because I expressed myself and gave honest evaluation of how things could be improved... while I still stand behind my beliefs, most of my bosses on the other hand, not so much. I have never backed away from saying what needs to be said. I'm okay with saying the unpopular thing if it means getting someone or something to a better place. Even if it means I am not liked.

It turns out that I've been developing the skills of a coach most of my life. I love connecting with people, hearing their stories and struggles, and offering new perspectives to help shift the way they see their circumstances.

I highly value Community, Connection, and Harmony with the latter two values being as much internal as they are external.

My personal philosophy is that we are Better Together and that a rising tide in fact does lift all boats.

Matt Nguyen DPM CEO

Irvine, California.

"I was fortunate enough to have Kyle coach me through a mental block I was having in expressing myself more clearly, as a man lost in who he is. What became evidently clear is Kyle has this great natural gift to share incredible insights that shed light and clarity on my blind spots that melted away my mental blocks.

I am forever grateful for Kyle and the clarity he brings as the awesome Insight Coach that he is.

I gladly recommend Kyle to any man lost in his purpose and message, to receive the clarity and insights necessary to move forward in becoming the man he is meant to be."

Coaching Process

  1. Book a Free Coaching Call

I will coach you for up to 90 Minutes so that you can experience what it is like to work together. If we address your needs in one call, great! If you liked what you experienced and would like more we would...

  1. Schedule a Creation Call

We will review our previous coaching session and then create what is possible should we work together. We will go over the different coaching packages and pricing and determine which one feels best for both of us. From there we will...

  1. Secure Payment

When you are ready to get started, we simply need to secure a payment and book our first session. From here, anything is possible!

Dave Robinson

Loan Officer - Canadian Financial

Senior Financial Associate -

Experior Financial Group

"Kyle was great. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, as I've always been uneasy with coaches and the like. I was going through a strange time in my life/career/business and unsure what steps to take.

Kyle took the time to listen to my situation, but then dug deeper into my story. Who I am, what I value, and how that tied into the decision i had to make and my current values. He asked me deep, thought provoking questions and then waited. And waited. And waited. No matter how long it took he waited for me to reply...which made me think and say what was in my mind. Which brought clarify and insight.

By the end of the call I was confident of what decisions I would make. Not because he said "do this or that" but because he got me to listen to what I wanted, even though I was doubting myself and telling myself I was wrong."

"Thanks Kyle."