CyberSpike/KüberNaaskel 2020

Registration has ended!

Statistics: 235 at younger group, 42 at older, 11 residents (incl. 3 female paricipants). Other participants that spectate the event is 18 and also 18 participants from European Cyber Security Challenge countries like: France, Netherland, Malta, Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain, Greece, Slovenia and ENISA.

Good luck!

Preliminary round will take place 4.-11.03.2020 21:00 UTC+2.

NB! We have given you more time, that you can show the best of you!

You have 4 hour for every exercise. You have one try for every exercise.

NB! You dont need to pass all the sepparate exercises in a row/one day, you can rest inbetween and do other in another day.

CyberSpike Schools - click here

Main round 12.06.2020 - see below (Qualification round)


Main supporter: Ministry of Defence

Main organizer: TalTech

This years competition will be carried out by RangeForce, support@rangeforce.com



  • You must be 14-20 years old at 31.12.2020 (younger group) or 21-24 years old at 31.12.2020 (older group) and be an Estonian citizen or resident to compete in the virtual Qualification round and be part of Final Round.

  • If you are younger or older you can be part of the competition if we have space availability.

  • Only Estonian citizens can participate in the European Cyber Security Challenge Estonian Qualification.

  • Working language: ENGLISH

Qualification Round

Qualification round’s purpose is to determine contestants knowledge and skills for the final competition. Contestants will be scored and ranked based on their score and time used for solving given tasks. Qualification round will be held from 4.03.-11.03.2020 21:00 UTC+2.

· Contestants will able to access the competition environment remotely, from their home, school etc.

· Information about accessing the competition environment will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form.

· There will be four main tasks in the qualification round.

· Every competitor will be given four continuous hours to do the tasks, the countdown starts when you log in.

· Every competitor's progress during the round is saved automatically.

· Solutions will be evaluated automatically. Time used for solutions is factored into the final result of the contestant.

· Cheaters will be disqualified from the competition.

Final Round

Final round’s purpose is to determine the best cyber defenders and will take place on 12.06.2020 online 12:00-16:00.

· Best 50 contestants from the qualification round, based on their final score, will advance to the final round. Before announcing the participants of the Final round, you need to send information for verification, when asked.

  • We hope to invite: (but the numbers can change because of the scoring results)

    • 20-25 people from age group 14-19 (citizens)

    • up to 20 people from age group 20-24 (citizens)

    • up to 5-10 residents from age group 14-24

· Competition will be held online.

· The final round will last for 4 hours.

· After completing the final competition a final ranking list will be confirmed and checked by the jury of the Cyber Spike team. After final confirmation, the best cyber defenders of the year 2020 will be announced at the TalTech Cyber Conference.


  • Trophies I-III place

  • First top 3 at the final roud will recieve an invite for intership at RangeForce. RangeForce on 2015. aastal loodud küberturbekoolitusi pakkuv mänguline õppeplatvorm, mis õpetab infotehnoloogiaspetsialiste küberründeid ära tundma ning turvalisemaid süsteeme ehitama. RangeForce simuleerib reaalseid ründeid, võimaldades ettevõtte IT ja turvalisuse eest vastutavatel meeskondadel kogeda küberkujategijate poolt ehitatud ründeid realistlikes tingimustes. Koolituste tulemusena saavad IT professionaalid aru rünnete ohtlikkusest ja tegude ning tegemata jätmise tagajärgedest, mille tagajärjel muutub meie kõigi digitaalne elu turvalisemaks. RangeForce pakub KüberNaaskli esikolmikule võimalust osaleda kontaktivabalt e-praktika programmis, mille raames saab kuni 30. augustini osaleda põnevas erinevate kübermoodulite testimises kui ka arusaama, kuidas Eesti üks küberturvalisuse ettevõte toimib.

  • 14 parimat (7 nooremast ja 7 vanemast astmest, kodanikud) saavad ligipääsu Hack The Box võistluskeskkonnale, et oma oskuseid edasi harjutada.

  • Eritingimustel võetakse vastu TalTech kandideerija, kes on sisseastumisel kahe viimase aasta jooksul saavutanud „KüberNaaskel“ võistluses vanemas või nooremas vanusegrupis 1.– 3. koha.


Lisainfo: 2021 aasta ECSC võistlusel osalemiseks korraldatakse Eestis eelvoor 2021 aastal. Eesti eelvoorus saavad osaleda (täpsustub) 14-24 aastased Eesti kodanikud (noorem 14-20* ja vanem vanuseklass 21-25(26)*, võistleja peab olema selles vanuses 31.12.2021). St. kui Eesti saadab toetajate abil esinduse rahvusvahelisele võistlusele European Cyber Security Challenge-le, siis kutsutakse parimad põhivõistlusel osalenud osalejad koolitusprogrammi, mille lõpuks selgub Eesti esindusmeeskond.

2021 Praha, Tšehhi

2022 Viin, Austria

2023 Oslo, Norra

2024 Itaalia

2025 Poola

Info: https://ecsc.eu/

*Tingitud Covid19 eriolukorrast