Let me wish you a warm welcome to my personal website. Here you can find information on my teaching philosophy and research work, supervision, publication, and other scholarly activities. Apart from this website I'm also visible online through my e-learning courses and teaching/learning. 

About Me

Let me start with a brief introduction. I am an Assistance Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department at the Government Engineering College, Patan, Gujarat, India. Currently, I'm teaching 3 courses at the undergraduate level: Machine Design and Industrial Drafting, Dynamics of Machinery, and  Elements of Mechanical Engineering. Apart from these courses, I have taught most of the Machine Design subjects in the curriculum for the last 10 years.

   As a teacher, I always aspire to nurture and educate my students to become lifelong learners. I believe our role as educators goes beyond transmitting knowledge – our role is to nurture our students to become lifelong learners – to teach them the skills of 'learn how to learn' and to teach them the appreciation and the love for knowledge. As Socrates said, "I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think". I believe that teaching is an exciting adventure in which both the teacher and the students participate and cooperate to achieve a common goal.

   I have agreat interest in using the internet as an alternative medium for learning and teaching.


B.E. (Mechanical) from L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmadabad, Gujarat

M.E. (Mechanical) Specializations in MACHINE DESIGN from B.V.M, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat

Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad 
