Kenosha Orchestra Boosters  2023-2024

There are 5 Kenosha Orchestra Booster meetings per academic year and begin at 7:30pm. 

Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with all of our latest news, events, and KOB meeting locations!

2023-2024 KOB Board Members:


Belle CoyleIndian Trail High School & Academy

Vice President

Christine Weyand     Harborside Academy


Sherri Stouffer  Indian Trail High School & Academy


Sarah KirbyTremper High School

We are a group of parents dedicated to enhancing our children’s musical careers by sponsoring various events during the year and lending financial support to the school district’s orchestra program.  We are responsible for many of the extras our children receive.  In order to fulfill our goal of helping all of our children in the orchestra program. we need everyone’s help. 

As a parent of a KUSD orchestra student, you are also a member of The Kenosha Orchestra Boosters. We work throughout the year to provide volunteer support at KUSD events and also sponsor fundraising events.  

Commitments like these rely on the parents, family members, and friends of our orchestra members who donate their time to ensure all events run smoothly. 

Performance Times

See you November 4th, 2023 at Indian Trail High School and Academy!

6800 60th St. Kenosha, WI 53144


Follow us on social media by clicking the link above

Sign Up Form 

The Kenosha Orchestra Boosters will be selling flowers, candy, and water at both performances of Orchestra Fest!

Saturday morning, we need parent volunteers to help arrange the floral bouquets. We have 375 arrangements to complete!!!  This is a nice way to help out while your child is rehearsing in the morning.

Performance - We are also in need of volunteers to help us sell the items before the performance.

Please see the included link to sign up to help up!

Please Donate Today!