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[1] Sparsity-Promoting Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Plasma Turbulence, Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Shigeru Inagaki, Plasma and Fusion Research 15, 1301001 (2020). [プラズマ・核融合学会誌 96(2)の表紙絵]

[2] Predictive Nonlinear Modeling by Koopman Mode Decomposition, Akira Kusaba, Kilho Shin, Dave Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining Workshops 2020 (ICDMW 2020), 811 (2020).

[3] A new combination of Hankel and sparsity-promoting dynamic mode decompositions and its application to the prediction of plasma turbulence, Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Makoto Sasaki, Shigeru Inagaki, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61, SA1011 (2021).

[4] データ駆動アプローチを用いた動的乱流現象の解析, 佐々木真, 河原吉伸, 草場彰, プラズマ・核融合学会誌 97, 79 (2021).