Category Theory 2020

Welcome! This is the landing page for the Category Theory in Context reading group. Throughout January, we will be meeting up at the university to discuss the book and related material. We are aiming this reading group for the advanced undergraduate or new graduate student to get familiar with category theory and its usage in other areas of mathematics.  Categories are useful to describe ideas in topology, algebra and computer science, and we hope that by introducing categories in this setting, their appearance in these other contexts will become more motivated and enlightening.


Meeting Information

We will be meeting weekly on Fridays, from 2:00PM to 4:00PM at the Math Tower room P-131.

Notice: For our last meeting, we will be meeting in room 4-130 of the Math Tower.

The reading group is co-organized by Kurt Butler and Yanbing Gu. If you have any questions on concerns, please contact us in person or via email:

About the Book

Category Theory in Context is a book by Emily Riehl written as an intro to categories for students who beginning to get into advanced material. The book is available for FREE online on her website or you can get a hard copy from Amazon. We will be starting from the beginning and more or less follow the order laid out by the book.

About Overleaf

We will be using Overleaf to create and share group notes written in LaTeX. Since each group member comes to the meeting with different examples and questions, we decided it would be practical to document some of the things we learned collaboratively. After each meeting, please feel free to contribute to the documentation on things we learned during the meeting.

Links and Miscellany