Each panel will get a simplistic, manga style background

Full Body Panel

40 - grayscale

60 - full color

Face Only Panel

20 - grayscale

40 - full color

Body Part Panel

15 - grayscale

30 - full color



Think of what you want to commission.

Avoid using any of the banned tags.

Consider how much freedom you want to give me, and how many details I need to know otherwise.

Make sure your idea is easily understood. If not, you can add a supporting sketch, or pose your character(s) using this website. You don't need a sketch as long as you explain it well.


Let me know you want to commission me on Pixiv. We can later discuss on Discord, but I first need to confirm it's you via a Pixiv message.

If I confirm I'm open and willing to take your request, send me all the details under whichever format(s) you prefer (text, word, google doc, image, etc.)

You may be as detailed as you wish in your request, but please be open to modifications. You'll get better results if I feel comfortable with what I'm drawing.


After I receive your request, I will give my personal opinion on any modifications that could potentially improve it and/or ease my work and/or lower the price.

This phase is not always necessary if your commission is straight forward and up my alley. It is, however, an important step in ensuring the best outcome at the lowest cost. It's in my interest to make you a better deal.


As soon as we agree on something, I will start doing some rough sketches to present your idea to you.

This step may take a while since you might be on a queue for commissions. I'll keep you updated, but please be patient.


If there are any issues with the sketch or you've realised you want something else, you can ask for modifications, free of charge, once per page.

If you keep on asking for modifications, I won't charge more, but I might cancel the commission or delay it until you've made your mind.


Once we are both satisfied with the sketches, I will start drawing.

This is also when I'll affirm what the price will be, and we can haggle if needed.

Please note that after you've confirmed the sketches as satisfactory, you can't make amendments to the final outcome.


Once a certain number of pages are finished (number to be decided by the client; see Terms and Conditions), I will send you an invoice through Paypal.

Please check that the sum is correct and let me know when the payment is done.


As soon as I confirm the payment has arrived, I will send you the drawings through your preferred method (Discord, email, WeTransfer, etc.)

Please confirm when you receive it, and let me know if it's what you wanted, so I can breathe in relief. I tend to get super anxious about whether I satisfied the customer.

Terms and Conditions

You don't necessarily need to read all of this to make a commission. This is only my way of being open.

  1. The commission time vastly differs on the scale of the commission at hand, and will usually take several months.

  1. The commissoner can choose whether they desire to pay per page, per bulk of pages, or per total. The final 2 steps repeat for each payment.

  1. The payment is always done when the set number of pages are finished, but before I send them. I do not charge in advance. This prevents the necessity of a refund, in which case both parties would be at a loss.

  1. After the sketches are agreed upon, I will stop sending visual proof of my progress until the commission is finished. This prevents me from getting scammed.

  1. The commissioner may at any point cancel the commission, even when it's nearly finished, with no charges applied. This excludes payments that have already been completed on finished pages.

  1. I also reserve the right to cancel the commission if I find it unsuitable for me, of course, with no charges applied. I would do this early on, before any payment is done, or any page is completed (during phases 2 through 6)

  1. The artist reserves the right to publish the doujin on their Pixiv and any other platform. Commercial rights are currently not available for doujinshi.

  1. The commissioner may, however, post the doujinshi on their Patreon or a similar income generating platform, for a grace period of 1 month, without competitive posting from my side. After the grace period, I maintain the right to publish the doujin.