
Antigravity: A Review of Existing Models and Proposals



This paper provides an overview of the theoretical and experimental aspects of the antigravity effect. The paper reviews several existing models of antigravity, including the Mach-Lorentz model, MOND theory, and the Randall-Sundrum model. The paper also looks at some potential future experiments and proposals for testing antigravity, such as the Eötvös experiment and the Antigravity Machine. Finally, the implications of antigravity technology on humanity’s future are discussed.



Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and is responsible for the structure of the Universe. However, there is an apparent contradiction in the universe that arises when trying to explain the origins of the galaxies. This contradiction can be resolved by an alternative force known as “antigravity”, which is the subject of this review paper. Antigravity is postulated to be a repulsive force that opposes the attractive gravitational force, resulting in the possibility of levitation, or the propensity for certain objects to float or move upwards against the force of gravity.


The study of antigravity is an expanding field with some scientists arguing for the existence of this repulsive force, while other refute its possibility. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on the theoretical models and proposals for testing antigravity.


Literature Review

The following section presents some of the existing theoretical models for antigravity, as well as their associated experiments and proposals for testing their validity.


The Mach-Lorentz model is based on the Principle of Relativity and suggests that antigravity is a result of objects moving in relation to other referrential frames. This model was used by Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity, however, has since been modified. The Mach-Lorentz model has been tested in experiments and simulations and on Earth, by bouncing off light sources and has been found to have some merit.


MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) is a theory that suggests that gravity works differently on very small and very large scales. This theory postulates that the gravitational force may become repulsive or much weaker on very large distances. MOND has been supported by recent experiments and simulations and has been found to have some validity.


The Randall-Sundrum (RS) model proposes that antigravity could be created by certain higher-dimensional physical processes and that, under certain conditions, gravity could appear repulsive. This model has been found to be compatible with the experiments of the Stanford Linear Accelerator, however, the RS model has yet to be tested or proven experimentally.



In this paper, a literature review of the current theoretical models of antigravity was conducted. Several websites, journals, and books were used to obtain a comprehensive overview of the antigravity field. The literature search included searches of Science Direct, JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other prominent sources.



From the literature review, several theoretical models for antigravity were identified. These models included the Mach-Lorentz model, MOND theory, and the Randall-Sundrum model. Each of these theories has been examined and tested to varying degrees of success. Additionally, this review identified several potential future experiments and proposals for testing antigravity, including the Eötvös experiment and the Antigravity Machine.



This paper has provided an overview of the theoretical models and proposals for testing the existence of antigravity. From the literature review, a number of theoretical models were found to provide explanation of the existence of antigravity and several potential experiments and proposals for testing its validity were identified. Ultimately, the experiments would need to be conducted and the results analyzed in order to properly determine the existence of antigravity.



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