प्रो० कुमारी प्रियंका/ Prof. Kumari Priyanka, Ph. D.

प्रोफ़ेसर/ Professor

गणित विभाग/ Department of Mathematics

शिवाजी कॉलेज/ Shivaji College

(दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय)/(University of Delhi)

नई दिल्ली- ११००२७/ New Delhi – 110 027

भारत/ India

Prof. Kumari Priyanka is currently working as an Professor in Department of Mathematics, Shivaji College (University of Delhi), New Delhi, India.  She has completed her M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph. D. from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India and is a "Gold Medallist" in her M. Sc. program. 

She is the recipient of “Best Lecturer Award” by Government of NCT of Delhi for the year 2018-2019 and "International Innovative Women Scientist Award 2021 in Mathematical Sciences" by Center for Professional Advancement, West Midlands, United Kingdom given on the eve of International Women's Day 2021. 

Prof. Kumari Priyanka has expertise in Applied Mathematics and has more than 15 years of teaching experience.

She is a Fellow of Royal Statistical Society, London, UK and has more than 18 years of research experience which mainly focuses on Sampling Theory, Sensitive Estimation Theory, Statistical Modelling and Missing Data Analysis. 

Prof. Kumari Priyanka has published 44 research papers in peer reviewed international journals of repute, delivered many invited talks, and participated in many conferences/ seminars. 

She has been the Ph. D. supervisor to two students, whom Ph. D. degree has been awarded from University of Delhi.

Prof. Kumari Priyanka has completed three Major Research Projects funded by Government of India and has achieved VIDWAN score of 10/10

She has authored a book and a chapter with reputed publishers and also serving as referee/reviewer of several SCI indexed International Journals.  She is the life-time member of many academic societies/ associations and is also associated with many research groups in India and abroad.

Prof. Kumari Priyanka is invited as chief guest and invited speakers in many reputed schools and higher education institutions.

To render herself towards the service of nation, she has worked as NCC In-charge (Girls Wing) of Shivaji College. She is also involved in many community service programs and has worked as subject expert in UDDAN project, MHRD, Government of India.

Prof. Kumari Priyanka has recorded many video lectures for the students during pandemic raised due to COVID-19, that are available on YouTube and Students Corner of this page. She was the convener of College Research and Innovation Cell for four consecutive years (2020 to 2024).  As the convener of the cell, she has introduced the Intramural Research Scheme in the college, with a provision to sponsor Minor Research Projects to teachers and students at the Shivaji College. The aim was to incline students towards research and innovation. During her tenure 19 minor research projects has been sanctioned benefiting 110 students and 36 teachers.

To motivate girls' students towards Mathematics, she has introduced an award entitled "Mrs Savita Mishra Memorial Award" given every year to a girl student of B. Sc.(H) Mathematics who secure highest aggregate marks in B. Sc. (H) Mathematics at Shivaji College. The award has been constituted in the memory of her beloved mother "Late Mrs Savita Mishra", which comprises of a fellowship of ₹5,100/- and a certificate of appreciation. 

                                                                                                                        Last updated: 09.02. 2025