In that same deployment are nodeAffinity rules, one of which forces the deployment to only run pods on hosts with amd64 architecture. This won't work for an AArch64/ARM64 Raspberry Pi, and with the updated image above, it's not useful. Find the key in .spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms:

For AWS EKS, Lens can be treated as just another client which requires kubectl access. You will need to download the kubeconfig file and save it in ~/.kube folder so lens can read the file and then contact the Kube-ApiServer and aws-auth get the access to the EKS cluster. The process is well documented in AWS under Cluster Authentication section along with the steps and they work fine for both Windows and Linux. Even though I just tried Lens for Windows but I have authenticated kubectl client running on Linux servers numerous time to say confidently that it should work.

Kubernetes Lens 5.4.6 Download


5. Upload the kubeconfig file in Lens

Click on + button on the top left corner which will give you an option to upload kubeconfig or paste it manually. Once you have selected the kubeconfig file, it will ask you to select the context, select the required context and then click on button at the bottom "Add cluster(s)" which will then start the authentication and add the objects into lens for your consumption.

TLDR: k9s is provides all the features I used in Openlens previous to their downgrade in 6.3.0 and it will likely stay this way since there is no commercial version of k9s and no company behind it. Give it a shot.

Openlens and k9s offer visibility into your Kubernetes cluster. Running a kubectl command everytime you need any information about your cluster can be cumbersome. The obvious solution to this is to have some kind of UI that shows you all the resources in your cluster.

Lens is an electron app with both a commerical version (called Lens) and a free and open source version (called Openlens). I have been a long time user of openlens, mostly because it's what my company was already using when I joined. The free version has been working just fine for me and had everything I could ask for, until it didn't. Recently, the lens developers have decided to downgrade Openlens in order to get more people to use their commerical version.

I liked Oenlens but now, the free version is not up to the task anymore and I don't want to support a company that downgrades an open source product and lies to their uses by calling it a security patch.

Many users where caught by suprise when they updated Openlens to version 6.3.0 and discovered that the buttons for accessing logs and getting a shell on a pod where gone. In a discussion on a Github issue, opened by one such surprised user, they proclaimed to have made these changes for \u201Cmore secure and faster booting\u201D while at the same time pointing out that these buttons are still available in the commercial version. 

Not sure when the last time was that I saw this many downvotes on Github.

After 6.3.0 openlens can no longer really be considered a good option for visibility into your Kubernetes clusters. For companys that don\u2019t mind paying for the commercial version of lens, it\u2019s still a good opiton. That being said, k9s offers all the features of you need to operate your clusters effectively and will most likely stay free forever. When you work with it regularly and get used to the shortcuts, there is a good chance you will find yourself being faster then you could ever be with lens.

The Container Build Lens joins a collection of lenses that focus on specialized workloads such as the Internet of Things (IoT), games, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), SAP, and serverless technology. You can find more information on AWS Well-Architected Lenses in the AWS Well-Architected User Guide.

The Container Build Lens provides guidance that can help you make appropriate design decisions in line with your business requirements. These are based on lessons AWS has learned from customers who have built their streaming solutions on AWS. By applying the techniques in this lens to your architecture, you can validate the resilience and efficiency of your design. This lens also provides recommendations to address any gaps you might identify. We expect customers to use this lens as a supplement to the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

We believe that the lens will be valuable regardless of your cloud adoption stage: whether you are launching your first container on AWS, migrating existing services to the cloud, or working to improve existing AWS container workloads.

Theme entity from @k8slens/extensions provides active theme object and @observer decorator makes component reactive - so it will rerender each time any of the observables (active theme in our case) will be changed.

Assign this role to your user or the group your user belongs to by downloading and modifying it so that it lists your user name (typically that will be your email address) or the group you want to give these permissions to. Do that by downloading the lens-user-rolebinding-example.yaml file and editing it. The file is shown below: e24fc04721

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