

Research interests:

Deep learning and transfer learning, computer vision, human-robot interaction, sensor fusion, and predictive control.

Foot placement prediction for assistive walking by fusing sequential 3D gaze and environmental context

Linked dynamic graph cnn: learning on point cloud via linking hierarchical features 

A subvision system for enhancing the environmental adaptability of the powered transfemoral prosthesis

Ensemble diverse hypotheses and knowledge distillation for unsupervised cross-subject adaptation

Gaussian-guided feature alignment for unsupervised cross-subject adaptation

Unsupervised cross-subject adaptation for predicting human locomotion intent

Teach biped robots to walk via gait principles and reinforcement learning with adversarial critics

How does the structure embedded in learning policy affect learning quadruped locomotion

Environmental  features  recognition  for  lower  limb prostheses toward predictive walking

Sequential decision fusion for environmental classification in assistive walking

Jamming analysis and force control for flexible dual peg-in-hole assembly

Force control for a rigid dual peg-in-hole assembly

Sensor fusion for predictive control of human-prosthesis-environment dynamics in assistive walking: a survey

Directional pointnet: 3D environmental classification for wearable robotics