Final Portfolio

My Reflective letter

In my portfolio, I have included the pieces I feel have best shown my skill and my creativity through the year. These works have been from assignments given to me from Mrs. Paul or Mrs. Frantz. This past year, taking creative writing really gave me a chance to say whatever I would like. That's why I enjoyed writing my piece, "What Words Come to Mind" because it was just a quick throw down of whatever I wanted to say, based on my feelings at that time. It is good to look back on it and see what has changed over just a short amount of time. Creative writing also gave me a chance to participate in scholarship opportunities, when I would publish my pieces I would find contests to be a part of, and gave me a chance to put my work out there such as "Unlimited Only Lasts so Long" which was one of my pieces I put in for a scholarship, based on don't text and drive for the Space Coast Credit Union. I would surely suggest creative writing to students who want to freely release their tellings to other peers, such as short stories which one I created for the class, called "Milky Madness" This is a short story about two rival coworkers who are faced with a scary, milky monster, and become friends because of the incident.

One piece I wrote for Mrs. Frantz was a self-reflection which I name, "Hold Me in Captivity". It is when I analyze my biggest flaw and realize how to cope with it and why it makes me special. In addition to the self-reflection, we were reading sonnets from Shakespeare and we had to write our own. This piece is one of my favorites, "Flight of My Navigator" which I incorporated love song lines to give me inspiration because I really do not have enough affection for me to write about love. The third piece written for Mrs. Frantz was "Coming Home". This is about a soldier out in the battlefield and dies and his wife at home basically dies too from sadness. This was when we were reading into our War collection texts. I was not a fan, but I liked the assignment.

There are a few poems left to review, Starting with my favorite is Brown for the -ies" It makes me happy and It was for an assignment to bring food, which I love food. So food makes me happy, and so did the brownies I brought for this assignment. The rest of the poems are sort of dark, such as my invitation to write, poem. We were writing about what we need to find and I just happened to write about needing to find my soul. I have a soul, so I hope that poem doesn't weird you out. After watching Pretty in Pink, we had to write about teen angst, which it was kind of weird because I am not much of an angsty teen as some would say. But I managed to piece something together about being at a really high point in your life and then someone ruining it. Sounds like basic life to me. My final piece for review is the last, because it is a reflection on my time at Seabreeze High. I got to have a chance to review all the past spots and memories I have had the school. Which I am very thankful for every moment I got to spend here. I named this piece "Roaming the Halls" because of that what I felt like on the first day of school and it is super nice to know, that I know my way around this campus.

I wanted to thank you Mrs. Paul for giving me the opportunity to express myself and meet wonderful people inside of your classroom.

About me:

A small girl in a big world, who is quite scared of it in fact. An oddball who is sweet but just as vicious at the same time.

Someone who just wants to be understood, but everyone feels like that too. She likes to color and paint, though

she is not artistic in anyway. She uses her body to make art, as well as a flag or a stick with rubber ends on it.

Covered in bruises but still has an open heart, you can see that she is the work of art.

Her name is Kristin, and she likes to do stuff like sing and dance and be good at something.

She things snakes are cool and so are any animals except spiders, and maybe frogs too.

Kristin also likes to eat, but everyone likes to eat food too.

Kristin is like everyone else, but she is funny, loud and hardworking (only with the things worth working for)

She loves the idea of love and she enjoys nature and sunsets. She feels a lot of emotions at once and sometimes she cannot handle it,

but times are changing now and I think she is starting to believe in herself.