Somewhere between physics, math and machine learning, I reside.

Oh my, which way to go, why can't I decide? 


Khurshed P. Fitter

I am a Quantum Science and Engineering master's student at EPFL, Switzerland. I am working at Prof. Vincenzo Savona's lab (LTPN) on quantum phase estimation and its applications for efficiently preparing stationary states. I also work on characterizing entanglement in quantum states using measurement statistics. My bachelor's was in Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India. 

I am also working on Tensor Norms and their applications to Quantum Information at the Laboratoire de Physique Theorique under the supervision of Dr. Ion Nechita, University of Toulouse III, France and Dr. Cécilia Lancien, University of Grenoble, France. 

Previously, I worked on Quantum Algorithms for many-body quantum systems with Dr. Juan Carrasquilla and Mohamed Hibat-Allah at the Vector Institute, Canada. I have also worked on cold atom systems and matter-wave lensing with Dr. Wolf von Klitzing at the BEC and Matter Waves group, IELTS-FORTH, Greece.

As a DAAD WISE Scholar, I worked on detecting entanglement in Bose-Einstein Condensates at the Many Body Quantum Dynamics group with Dr. Martin Gärttner at the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg. I also waddle around with machine learning at IvLabs.

Besides research, I like to spend my time reading and looking at trees and clouds.


All news


Estimating the entanglement of random multipartite quantum states

arXiv: 2209.11754

K. Fitter, C. Lancien, I. Nechita

Our general goal in this work is to numerically estimate the injective norm for randomly sampled tensors. Our results constitute the first numerical estimates on the amount of genuinely multipartite entanglement typically present in various, physically relevant models of random multipartite pure states.

Development of analytical solutions for Photoacoustic Imaging of an extended line source with acoustic lens based reconstruction strategy

International Conference on the Paradigm Shifts in Communication, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing (PCEMS), 2022

K. Fitter, S. Sinha

Photoacoustic imaging combines the best of both worlds; optical and acoustic imaging. However, most current methods involve huge computational overheads. We present analytical solutions for the imaging of extended line sources using an acoustic lensing setup.

Enhancing Context Through Contrast

NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Pre-registration in Machine Learning

K. Ambilduke, A. Shetye, D. Bagade, R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, P. Vagdargi, S. Chiddarwar 

We posit that languages are linguistic transforms that map abstract meaning to sentences. We attempt to extract and investigate this abstract space by optimizing the Barlow Twins objective between latent representations of parallel sentences.

Paying Attention to Video Generation

NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Pre-registration in Machine Learning, PMLR 148:139-154, 2021

R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, S. Bachu, A. Kulkarni, S. Chiddarwar 

Just like sentences are series of words, videos are series of images. Inspired by the success of large language models in predicting language, we attempt to generate videos using a GPT and a novel Attention-based Discretized Autoencoder. 

A Review of Video Generation Approaches

International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC), 2020

R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, S. Bachu, A. Kulkarni, S. Chiddarwar 

In this work we study and discuss several approaches for generating videos, either using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to sequential models like LSTMs. Further, we compare the strengths and weakness of each approach with the underlying motivation to provide a broad and rigorous review on the subject.


Code coming soon!

Machine Learning Phases of Matter

Quantum Machine Learning

Variational Quantum Classifier

Quantum SVM

Code coming soon!

Medical VQA

Video Generation

Neural Machine Translation

Language Modelling

Variational Deep Learning

Landmark Retrieval

Real-time Digit Classifier

Detection & Tracking

Email: khurshed [dot] fitter [at] epfl [dot] ch