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I work as an Economist at the Bank of Italy, DG Economics, Statistics and Research - Advanced Economies and International Finance division. I hold a PhD in Economics at HEC University of Lausanne.  

I visited the Bank of Italy in 2019 and the International Monetary Fund in 2021. Moreover, I worked as a trainee at the European Central Bank before starting my graduate studies. I completed successfully the Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics  and I hold a summa cum laude Master of Science in Economics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

My research interests focus on the fields of macroeconometrics, credit risk models, empirical finance and fiscal policy.  My research focuses on the interconnection between the macroeconomy and the pricing of sovereign entities. I have been also studying the impact of current and past debt overhangs on the macroeconomy, through the lens of fiscal policy effects.

email: kevin.pallara@bancaditalia.it

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