Koustav Bhanja

Hi!  I am a 5th year Ph.D. student in the CSE department of IIT Kanpur.  I am quite fortunate as well as honored to be supervised by Prof. Surender Baswana

My research interest lies in the area of Data structures and Algorithms. I work mostly in designing compact Sensitivity Oracles and efficient Dynamic Algorithms. My current research is focused on the beautiful field of minimum cuts.

Before coming to IIT Kanpur, I completed MSc in CS from RKMVERI Belur in 2019. I obtained my BSc degree in CS from University of Calcutta in 2017.

Conference Publications

           Vital Edges for (s,t)-mincut: Efficient Algorithms, Compact Structures, and Optimal Sensitivity Oracle

                     with Surender Baswana.

                     Paper link  

                         Minimum+1 (s,t)-cuts and dual edge sensitivity oracle

                     with Surender Baswana and Abhyuday Pandey. 

                     Full Version & Slides

Journal Publications

                         “Minimum+1 (s,t)-cuts and dual edge sensitivity oracle

                     with Surender Baswana and Abhyuday Pandey.

   Paper link 



A set of Works in the area of minimum cuts that I find quite elegant. 

You can find my CV here.

Contact Information

Email: kbhanja@cse.iitk.ac.in

Office: KD 308, CSE, IIT Kanpur