I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but visuals in Kpop groups that fit most into the KBS, to me, are the most boring members to look at in groups. And I'm not saying this for the purpose of putting down the visual members, or just so I can praise the more "underrated" members of the groups, but I simply find it so hard to find someone who is so picture perfect pretty, attractive or interesting to look at. If everything is perfect to the eye and there are no "flaws" on a person, they just seem bland to me and all look the same ironically, because people who look perfect like that are the hardest individuals to find among people. I guess I find the beauty of humans in how different we all look, and when I see visual idols who fit the KBS perfectly, they don't look human to me, but like paintings/animations/drawings, therefor I find it hard to find them attractive.

This study had some limitations that should be addressed in future studies. Our sample size, comprising 16 participants, was relatively small, thereby limiting the generalizability of our findings, both within the context of the South Korean population and beyond, particularly concerning individuals with USH2A variants. Nonetheless, to derive and augment such understanding, a meticulous analysis of clinical data and genotypes is imperative, even amidst the challenges posed by these rare cases. Future studies with larger sample sizes and more diverse patient populations are needed to validate and expand upon our findings. Additionally, our study lacked longitudinal analyses, and we did not elucidate how the USH2A-based allelic hierarchy operates over time. Future studies that include longitudinal follow-up and analyses of disease progression are needed to better understand the natural course of clinical phenotypes associated with USH2A-related disorders, as well as the impacts of particular genetic variants on disease progression. To assess potential progression, it is crucial to account for the concurrent presence of presbycusis or the gradual decline in lip-reading skills associated with visual deterioration. In our cohort, four participants aged 40 or above were identified as susceptible to presbycusis. Unfortunately, speech assessments were not administered to these individuals, precluding an evaluation of lip-reading. This is another limitation of our study. Despite these limitations, this study provides important evidence for an USH2A-related allelic hierarchy in South Korean patients. Our observations will lead to a better understanding of the natural course of clinical phenotypes and will improve the use of genotype-based therapy in the current era of precision medicine.

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Clinical ophthalmic examinations included best-corrected visual acuity, ERG, GVF, OCT, fundus photography, and FAF. All examinations were preceded by pupil dilation. ERG was conducted in accordance with International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision standards using a commercial ERG system (Retiport32; Roland Consult, Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany)49. GVF evaluations were performed by professionals, in accordance with standard protocols50,51. OCT data were obtained using the Heidelberg Spectralis OCT instrument (Heidelberg Engineering, Hemel Hempstead, UK). Fundus photographs and FAF data were obtained using the Optos retinal imaging system (Optos, Marlborough, MA, USA).

DNA libraries for WGS were generated using the TruSeq DNA PCR-Free kit (Illumina) from 1 g of genomic DNA. WGS was conducted on the NovaSeq platform 6000 (Illumina) to generate 151-bp paired-end reads with an average coverage depth of 30. Sequenced reads were mapped to the human reference genome (GRCh38) using the BWA-MEME algorithm65,66, and duplicated reads were removed using SAMBLASTER67. Base substitutions and short indels were identified using HaplotypeCaller52 and trelka268. Variants identified by either of these tools were included in further analyses. Genomic rearrangements were identified using Delly69; the breakpoints of genomic rearrangements of interest were visually inspected and confirmed using Integrative Genomics Viewer70. For phasing analysis, segregation of these variants was investigated via Sanger sequencing of parental DNA samples.

Chapter 4 investigates the earlier Chinese Ruiguangsi Dasuiqiu dhra print which can be considered closest in visual representation to the Boston Tejaprabh Buddha. The investigation concludes that the partial resemblance of the two works is the result of a creative appropriation of transmitted visual elements. These elements may have kept the original medial and ritual meaning of the earlier object to a certain degree but were transferred into another context in the later work and given a new function.

\tChapter 4 investigates the earlier Chinese Ruiguangsi Dasuiqiu dh\u0101ra\u1E47\u012B print which can be considered closest in visual representation to the Boston Tejaprabh\u0101 Buddha. The investigation concludes that the partial resemblance of the two works is the result of a creative appropriation of transmitted visual elements. These elements may have kept the original medial and ritual meaning of the earlier object to a certain degree but were transferred into another context in the later work and given a new function.

Disciplinary differences notwithstanding, Shim has offered a nuanced, challenging and timely work on the visual politics of North Korea. In a way, the title does not do justice to the work being done the book is more about the visual politics of how the world (particularly, the United States) imagines North Korea. That is, these visual representations say much more about our desires and our ideological conditioning than it says about North Korea's desires or ideological conditioning. Thus, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics of visual culture, for those in the field of Critical International Relations, and for anyone interested in North Korea's place in the world.

Keung Yoon Bae, an assistant professor of Korean Studies at the School of Modern Languages, explores how the Korean esports industry is one of the first to confront the challenge of describing physical performance in a digital medium. Through industry events and promotional materials, they've developed a new visual language to describe what cannot be seen by viewers watching the gamers in competition. As the novel language and strategies spread, it also helps cement Korean esports as a pioneer in the field.

"South Korean esports media have developed visual strategies, their own specific visual language, to try and communicate on-screen abstract concepts such as the prowess of their players and the histories that they bring to the game," Bae writes in her book chapter "Visualizing the Invisible: Korean Esports and the Representation of Gameplay Skill."

For example, esports player Ryu Je-Hong streams with a camera aimed at his hand to show how sensitive his mouse is and how accurate his hand movements are. In the animated hype videos tournaments use for promotion, companies don't show players sitting in chairs at screens. Instead, they create more exciting visuals, such as the players climbing a mountain peak or standing in a room surrounded by portraits of past tournament champions.

"Esports broadcasts and promotional media often look quite absurd or bizarre to those unfamiliar with esports, so these visual strategies give us a great point of access to understand why esports looks the way it does," Bae says.

Among the many factors increasing the risk of a road accident are the characteristics of older age; ie, to drive safely, drivers require a minimal level of visual and auditory ability, along with intact perceptual, cognitive, and executive functions.26 When we examined the effects of cognitive subdomains on driving behavior, we found significant relations of attention and abstraction with all 4 driving behavior subdomains. This result demonstrates that, among cognitive functions, attention and abstraction have especially large effects on driving in the elderly population. In future research, it will be necessary to carefully examine the roles of attention and abstraction in driving rehabilitation and assessment of elderly individuals. In the process of aging, perception, motor, and cognitive functions gradually deteriorate, which is a factor in continuing driving.27 Research has shown that the cognitive domains of executive function, attention, visuospatial skills, memory, and overall mental status are associated with the crash risk of older drivers who are experiencing age-related cognitive changes.28 In a study that studied road driving behavior in older drivers with mild cognitive impairment, MCI safe drivers had higher levels of attention, memory, and speech impairment, and MCI unsafe drivers had higher levels of space-time, executive function, and attention impairment.29

When we examined the effects of the visual perception subdomains on driving behavior, we observed significant relations of visual closure 1 and figure-ground with all 4 driving behavior subdomains. Therefore, among the aspects of visual perception, visual closure and figure-ground have especially large effects on driving in the elderly population. Future studies will need to examine visual closure and figure-ground in more detail in the context of driving rehabilitation and assessment for elderly individuals.

In studying the relationship between driving confidence and driving behavior in drivers of different ages, Lee et al31 reported that older drivers generally had more than 10 years of experience and therefore were likely to be confident in their driving abilities. Nevertheless, similar to our results, they found that aging adults experienced difficulty in driving conditions such as rain, snow, or heavy traffic, and sought to avoid these situations. Based on these findings, we predict that these weather and external environment factors will also be found to cause difficulties for professional drivers, and even more so for elderly drivers in general. Because reduced performance in visual closure and figure-ground can complicate driving in conditions of poor visibility, such as in rain or snow, it is important to reduce the risk of accidents by avoiding driving when the weather or external environment cause difficulties. Previous studies that reported the driving behavior characteristics of elderly drivers also reported that elderly drivers tend to avoid driving at night or in rain.32,33 Visual perception impairment due to elderly or damage to the central nervous system can cause problems with several behaviors (eg, standing straight and moving objects) as well as spatial cognition.34 Combining the results of the previous study and the results of this study, the elderly driver can conclude that he or she has the characteristics of being aware of an increase in operational risk when driving is difficult in certain driving conditions, such as at night or in bad weather. Therefore, it is important to use visual perception tests, particularly those including figure-ground assessment, when evaluating driving ability in the elderly population. 006ab0faaa

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