Synthesis, Growth, Processing, and Characterization 

Recent news:

Accepted paper, in collaboration with Julia Mundy, Harvard:

'Defect engineering in epitaxial thin films of the pyrochlore frustrated magnet Tb2Ti2O7 ', J. Chemistry of Materials  

Accepted paper, in collaboration with Martin Mourigal, Georgia Tech:

'Pressure control of magnetic order and excitations in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet MgCr2O4 ', PRB 

Received the Johns Hopkins University’s Discovery Award, co-funded by the Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI)

Project: High-Entropy Capacitive Energy Storage

More information: https://energyinstitute.jhu.edu/rosei-co-funding-three-jhu-discovery-awards/

Our article on ‘Quantum paramagnetism in a non-Kramers rare-earth oxide: Monoclinic Pr2Ti2O7’ was accepted for publication in Physical Review Materials (PRM).