
On another user that I have changed the default File manager option from dolphin to konqueror once I click a Folder the exact same infinite loop of opening blank windows shows up.

On another user user that I did not change anything this does not happen at all and all folders can be opened as a regular operation inside konqueror.

I truly think this can be a potential mess on the setup of either konqueror or those the Plasma settings regarding choosing the default app for browsing and/or opening files.


I use tumbleweed on my main computer but have 15.4 on a back-up computer. I have just tested konqueror on it and it seems to be working fine. I already had konqueror as the default http application and that works fine as well.

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DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2y4yLR 🔥

Lately I have lost the ability to browse files using dolphinpart in Konqueror. When I try to go to my home directory in Konqueror I get the file size view or only the side menu, but no file view. I do not have a view menu entry to change the view type to files, as I had in the past. I can use dolphin without problems.

I thought that I might have a problem with my user, so I created a different user to test it and it worked. Then I tried to recreate my first user's file associations for inode/directory in systemsettings based on the new user settings, but after I saved the settings all my nesting service priorities get dumped and I get *two* dolphinpart views. No matter what I set it always reverts to this value - empty set, random stuff, etc. Then I tried to change the inode/directory settings in my second users systemsettings and I get the same behaviour - no matter what I set I get these two dolphinpart views. After this kicks in, my second user also can't browse files using konqueror.

Which is a disgusting hack. So Firefox goes out and thinks it's running dolphin by executing /usr/bin/dolphin, but we've tricked it into running Konqueror. Just keep in mind that a upgrade of dolphin will probably overwrite the /usr/bin/dolphin, so you'll have to re soft link it to konqueror in that event.

Basically what this is doing is having the system check your /home/el/bin directory for dolphin before it searches inside /usr/bin. Setting the PATH that way means YOUR /home/el/bin/dolphin file will be executed instead of the one in /usr/bin/dolphin. The supplied code runs, and executes the correct file manager, passing along firefox's parameters.

It's rather only my ask for anybody. 

System: fully updated Arch with testing and kde-unstable repository, then with: Qt5.10beta4, KF5.40, Plasma 5.11.3 and Dolphin 17.11.80. And yes, I use my own, custom kernel, but this is not kernel relevant because on linux-zen also occurs.

Just simply as in title: I cannot create a new directory in Dolphin (in my $USER directory or on any USB drive).

I can do it in Krusader and Konqueror or in any other file manager, then there is not permission problem etc.

The only useful information as I could find is this info, when I run dolphin in console:

This one appears suddenly after I try to execute "New folder".

Downgrade: dolphin or kio-extras to 17.08.3 or kio to 5.39 doesn't solve the problem.

And of course - I can create a new directory in the past with prior version of system components.

Anyone encountered such a problem? Probably it's upstream bug, but I really don't know, then I want to confirm it before raport it on bugs.kde.org (or Qt, maybe).

The profiles are stored in the ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles directory but they do not exist immediately after installing and must be created. If a profile does not exist, launching Konqueror from the command line in this manner opens a window with no content.

The Location Toolbar is just below the Menu Bar on the right side of the Konqueror window. It provides the capability to type in a URL or a path so you can go directly to a web page or a directory location. It also has a space to type terms for a Google search.

Konqueror has a Main Toolbar just underneath the Menu bar that provides access to several very useful features. The Konqueror Main Toolbar allows you to modify how you look at the contents of a directory and how much information is displayed about each file.

Konqueror is the KDE file manager, browser, and viewing application. It is part of the kdebase distribution, so resources and download information for Konqueror can also be found on the KDE Web site ( ). It is HTML 4.0 compliant, and supports Javascript, bidirectional scripts, SSL, almost all of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 1 and most of CSS 2, and can house Java applets. As a file manager, it can display files in either tree or icon view, allows copying/moving/deleting by either drag-and-drop or cut/paste/delete, and provdes file properties and the ability to change file attributes. It automatically updates directories or deletes files without the user having to refresh or reload the directory. Konqueror can also view many different file types. It uses components (parts) to view various types of files; this functionality is not within Konqueror itself. This means that if you want to view a file that cannot already be viewed by a preexisting part, all you have to do is write such a part; there's no need to modify Konqueror itself.

The toolbar provides quick access to frequently used functions that can also be accessed through the menu. If you hover the pointer over an icon, a short description is displayed. To the right, the toolbar features the Konqueror icon, which is animated while a directory or Web page is loaded.

The location bar shows the path to the directory or file in your file system. You can enter a path to a directory directly by typing it in or by clicking one of the directories in the display field. Delete the contents of the line by clicking the black symbol with a white X located left of the location bar. After typing an address, press Eingabetaste or click Go to the right of the input line.

Unlike a Windows operating system, Linux does not use drive letters. In Windows, you would address the floppy drive as A:\, Windows system data is under C:\, and so on. In Linux, all files and directories are located in a tree-like structure. The topmost directory is referred to as the file system root or just /. All other directories can be accessed from it. In the following, find a short overview of the most important directories in a Linux file system:

/home holds the private data of every user who has an account on your system. The files located here can only be modified by their owner or the system administrator. Your e-mail directory is located here, for example.

Under /usr/share/doc, find any kind of documentation on your Linux system and the installed packages. The manual subdirectory holds a digital copy of this manual as well as the other manuals and the release notes of the installed version of your Linux system. The packages directory holds the documentation included in the software packages.

The display field shows the contents of the selected directory or file. In the View menu, choose between different view modes to display the contents, such as Icon View, Tree View, or Detailed List View. If you click a file, Konqueror shows a preview of the contents or loads the file into an application for further processing. If you hold the mouse pointer over the file, Konqueror shows a tool tip with detailed information about the file, such as owner, permissions, or last modification date.

Because Linux is a multiuser system, every file in a Linux file system belongs to a user and a group. All users, including the superuser, have their own home directories where private data, like documents, bookmarks, or e-mail, are stored. Write access to these home directories is strictly limited to the owner by default. As an owner of a file or directory, you can change the access permissions to your files. For example, you can protect files holding sensitive data against read access by other users and you can authorize other users to write, read, or execute several of your files where appropriate.

With Konqueror, you can also access your digital camera. Connect your camera to the USB port. A camera icon should appear on the desktop. Click this icon to open the camera in Konqueror. The camera can also be accessed by entering the URL camera:/ in Konqueror. Navigate through the camera's directory structure until the files are shown. Use the usual Konqueror file management features to copy the files as desired.

Apart from this functionality, you can also create image galleries that show your images in an album-like fashion. Open your image directory in Konqueror and click Tools+Create Image Gallery. A dialog opens where you can specify the background and foreground colors, the page title, the location to save the gallery, and other settings. Click OK to start the action. By default, a file called index.html is created. If you click this file in Konqueror, your images are displayed in a miniaturized, organized view. Click an image to access its full-size view.

Konqueror is a unified web browser, file manager, document viewer, and image viewer. The following paragraphs cover the use of Konqueror for file management. Start Konqueror by clicking the house icon in the panel. The contents of your home directory are then displayed.

Between the buttons which represent a folder there is a small arrow which is a button as well. By clicking this arrow you can see a list of all the subdirectories on the same level as your current one, giving you a quick directory change.

Managing archives now becomes simple. In any directory in Dolphin, highlight the files that you want to compress, and right-click. Here, using the Compress option, you can elect to create a RAR archive, a Gzipped tar archive, or define another compression mode that you have already set up.

How can I add an keyboard shortcut for "open a terminal in the current displayed directory" in Thunar?

In KDEs Konqueror there is an default keyboard shortcut with "F4" to start KDEs Konsole. 

Such a thing would be very nice in XFCE... e24fc04721

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