Golf Tournament 2022

The 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament 

was held on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 

FireRock Country Club in Fountain Hills

Check In was followed by Lunch and Shotgun Start. 

An Awards Ceremony was held

at the conclusion of Golf that also included 

a St. Vincent dePaul Appeal, Silent Auction Closing 

and a Live Auction.

We thank all who participated to make the event a success. 



Golf 1st Place-Eversman, Lee, Golden, Stoud (-17)


         Golf 2ndPlace-Barth, Barth, Herbert, Haley (-15)


Golf 3rdPlace-Lank, Dubey, Straker, Lank (-13)



1) $300 -Decker

2) $200 -Eversman

3) $100 –Dodge


Closest to the PIN Hole # 2 ($50)- Stroud

Closest to the PIN Hole # 12($50)-Starzinski

Closest to the PIN Hole # 17 ($50 FR Certificate)-Stokey

Longest Drive Winner Hole #5 ($50 FR Certificate)- Reiter


#1 Raffle Winner (s) $400-C’Debaca

#2 Raffle Winner (s) $400 -Apodaca