Timothy R. Kinney

January 28, 1953 - May 28, 2016

He was born with his twin brother Tom in Champaign, IL. to Carl and Eleanore Kinney, the second eldest of their six children. Tim spent his childhood in Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio, later moving to Flushing, Michigan during high school, where he met his wife, the former Katherine Frawley.

Whether in old musicals, at church, or singing an infant to sleep, Tim always had a great appreciation for music. He sang with his high school ensemble, the Choraleers, and it didn’t take long to encourage to him to join the church choir at Kathy’s parish while they were dating. He has remained a faithful member of the bass section at whatever church they’ve attended from college, through the rest of his life.

Following in his father Carl’s footsteps, Tim took an interest in computers. He attended Michigan State University and was a proud Spartan. He studied Electrical Engineering and spent his career as a computer programmer for various companies, most recently as a Data Analyst for TransUnion.

Tim loved his time in Boy Scouts as a youth, telling stories about canoe trips and hiking Philmont. As an adult, he shared similar experiences with this own sons. While never attaining the rank of Eagle, he supported five of his sons to this rank, with his youngest on track for the same. At different times over his thirty years of adult leadership in Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, Tim served as Cubmaster, Den Leader, Charter Organization Representative, and Committee Member. He also served on the Catholic Committee for Scouting in central Michigan, received the St. George religious emblem, and was the founding leader of Pack 711 at St. Elizabeth’s Church.

A long-time member of the Knights of Columbus, Tim received his 4th degree, served as Grand Knight for Council 4833 in Flushing, Director of Families for Council 10373 in Pflugerville, as well as other positions in both councils. In 1998, Tim and his family were selected for the Knights of Columbus Family of the Year award for the state of Michigan, and in 2010 they received the same award in Texas, as well as being selected runner-up for the international Family of the Year. All of Tim’s adult sons have followed in his footsteps and become Knights.

Tim and Kathy were married in 1974, and remained faithfully married for the forty-two remaining years of his life. Together they had ten children, seven of which are married. Their thirtieth grandchild will be born this November. He began as a father at age twenty-two, and continued parenting his youngest, now fifteen, to the very day he died. He was a beloved grandfather who delighted in visiting his grandchildren, seeing his grandsons in Scouts, and holding infants whenever possible.

He is survived by his wife, Katherine, and their children: Jeffrey, his wife Racheal, and their children, Brendan, Nathaniel, Amelia, Maria, Dominic, David, Colleen, and Regina; Steven, his wife Susan, and their children, Rebecca, Jonathan, Gregory, Irene, and Karina; Elizabeth, her husband Ray Felderhoff, and their children, Joseph, Bridget, Katie, Emily, Clare, and William; Rev. Matthew; Brian, his wife Amy, and their children, Patrick, Lucy, Gianna, and Margaret; Sarah, her husband Joseph Testa, and their children, Anthony, Sabrina, Monica, and Matthew; Kevin, his wife Katrina, and their children, Michelle and Christopher; Mary, her husband Christian Nelson, and their child due in November; Andrew; and, John Paul. Tim is also survived by his mother, Eleanore, and his siblings Tom, Dan, Paul, Elaine and Sharon.