
The Senate


Ephorvi Council

Council of Justice

The Kodrolian Empire's government is comprised of the Senate, Ephorvi Council, the Assembly, and the Council of Justice. The Senate, the Upper Chamber, and Assembly, the Lower Chamber, together are known as Congress.

The Senate is appointed by the Emperor, besides Consulibuses who are elected. The two Consulibuses are the co-leaders of the Senate. With the exception of Consulibuses, the Senate is comprised of 11 Ministers, representing the 11 Ministries of Kodrolia.

The Assembly is elected by Kodrolian citizens. Its main power is voting and introducing legislation. It is made up of 10 individuals, with the leader being the Orator.

The Ephorvi Council is made up of three Ephors, who serve the Emperor as second in command. One Ephor is appointed by the Emperor to be the Primis Ephor, with the most power. The remaining Ephors assist in governing when the Emperor is not able to for any reason.

The Highest Court in Kodrolia is the Council of Justice, and is comprised of two Praetors, who are appointed by the Emperor to serve for life. They can summon the Senate, oversee judges, and make decisions in cases. The three Judges are elected by Kodrolians, and have only the power to decide cases.