Before 2019

CSE1211: Computational Thinking in Context: Images, Animation and Games

  • Instructor for the CSE 1211 Computer Science course at The Ohio State University.
  • Semesters: 5 semesters (Autumn 2015, Spring 2016, Autumn 2016, Spring 2017 and Autumn 2017).
  • Responsibility: Prepare all the materials, quizzes and exams. Teach lectures and lab sections. Guide students to develop interactive animations and games.
  • Course description: Introduction to computational thinking, focusing on problem solving and programming concepts and skills needed to manipulate digital images and to create interactive graphics, animations, and games. This course teaches Processing language from scratch. By the end of this class, student should be able to write interactive media-rich programs using the Processing language. and learn a new programming language by utilizing internet resources.

CSE6441: Parallel Computing

  • Grader for the CSE 6441 Computer Science course at The Ohio State University.
  • Semesters: Spring 2017.
  • Responsibility: Grade programming and writing assignments. Assist Prof. P. Sadayappan to generate assignment solutions. Provide office hours to discuss questions about course materials and assignments with students.
  • Course description: Principles and practice of parallel computing; design, implementation, and performance evaluation of parallel programs for shared-memory, distributed-memory and heterogeneous parallel systems.

Advance Mobile Robotics

  • Teaching Assistant for this Computer Science course at National Taiwan University.
  • Semester: Spring 2006.
  • Responsibility: Assist Prof. Chieh-Chih Wang to grade assignments and prepare the course. Provide office hours to discuss questions about course materials and assignments with students.
  • Course description: Study of state-of-the-art technologies of mobile robotics. The materials include fundamental vision technology, probability robotics, filter methods and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM).