Workshop on Tropical Geometry, Singularity theory, and Algebraic Geometry

-- in honor of the 60th birthday of Professor Masanori Kobayashi --

Date: September 9th (Mon.) -- 12th (Thu.), 2024

Location: Tokyo Metropolitan University (Minami-Osawa Campus), 106 (Bldg. 12). [Campus Map]

Program: Schedule [TBA] (The workshop is planned to start around 10am on the 9th and end around 5pm on the 12th.)


Organizers: Yoshinori Gongyo (U. of Tokyo), Yusuke Nakamura (Nagoya U.), Kohei Sato (National Institute of Technology, Oyama College), JuAe Song (Kyoto U.)

Banquet: The banquet is tentatively scheduled for the 11th (Wed.) on the Minami-Osawa campus. More details will be announced later.

Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid (A)  20H00111 (Keiji Oguiso).