Computer ARCHITECTURE,         MAchine Learning,       and Security Lab

Current Lab members

I work with the following talented group

PhD Students

Behnam Omidi 

Spring 2021 ~ now

Research Topic: Hardware Support for Security 

Sunanda Roy

Spring 2021 ~ now

Research Topic: IoT Security 

Chongzhou Fang  (co-advised with H. Homayoun @ UC Davis)

Fall 2021 ~ now

Research Topic: Cloud and Microarchitecture Security

Najmeh Nazari (co-advised with H. Homayoun @ UC Davis)

Fall 2022 ~ now

Research Topic: Microarchitecture Security 

Ahmad Tahmasivand

Spring 2024 ~ now

Research Topic: Trustworthy LLMs

Master's Students

Omar F Divleli

Spring 2022 ~ now

Research Topic: Machine Learning Security

Undergraduate Students

Evonna Shanae Jenkins

Spring 2023 ~ now

Research Topic: Machine Learning Security

Yasmin Faouri

Summer 2023 Intern 

Research Topic: Machine Learning 

High School  Students

Kashi Kamat

Summer 2023 Intern 

Research Topic: Machine Learning 


PhD Students

Md Shohidul Islam

Fall 2019 ~ Spring 2024

Research Topic: Adversarial Machine Learning

First position: Postdoctoral Fellow at PNNL

Master's Students

Talha S Muhammad 

Spring 2022 ~ Spring 2023

Research Topic: Machine Learning Privacy

Current Job: Ticketmaster

Undergraduate Students

Gage Jones (co-advised with Maryam Parsa)

Fall 2022 

Research Topic: Neuromorphic Computing Security

Ahmed Al-Swaity  

Fall 2022 ~ Spring 2023

Research Topic: Blockchain Security 

Anhton Nguyen

Spring 2022 ~ Spring 2023

Research Topic: IoT Security 

Thank you to our Lab Sponsors