you are right i forgot to put blast mine which is a great time waster against gen kicking perks (and if the survivor decides to hide around the gen gives them time to run away). prove thyself is good vs knights/merchants/twins when people should be grouped up in pairs but more situational against say a legion or plague where you want to seperate and finish gens alone.

5) When do these mercenary purchase opportunities arise for the merchants? It would seem to me that a new outbreak of war would be a great trigger time to offer mercenaries generally, but generally I would not want pop up messages to appear randomly for this unless I sought them out specifically. Normally, I don't want someone who's main focus is to earn me money to go spending it and leading an army.

Knights And Merchants 2 Download

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My second question is would it be possible to use trade as an excuse to start a war for example to force another kingdom to allow your merchants to trade in their kingdom or after winning the war to force the losing side to transfer part of their trade income for a certain period of time?

Traveling merchants may be found in Clockwork Terminals while adventuring; their inventories are different for each adventuring party. (NB: recipes will only be in stock for you if you fought your way through the previous level in its entirety. i.e. you joined the party at least two levels before the Clockwork Terminal itself: levels 2, 11, 21.)

Knights -- they used to serve for the lord. They were their company in the court and their role was to protect them. They were also armored and they rode on a horse. Not everybody could afford to be a knight as the equipment was very expensive. They also used to watch over the Lord's manor in order to make sure everything is doing well. The payment was in the form of land holdings. When it comes to Lords, they had big amounts of respect and trust towards knights.

When merchants accommodate customers by allowing them to pay using a credit card, that service is not free. Merchants are typically required by contract to pay a small percentage of the cost to the credit card issuer and/or the network that manages the credit card processing system. Some merchants prefer not to absorb that cost and will instead increase the price charged to the customer. That increase in price is commonly called a surcharge. For example, if dinner at a restaurant costs $75, and the cost to the restaurant for taking a credit card is 3 percent or $2.25, then charging for the dinner and the surcharge could be $77.25 if the merchant merely passes on the credit card processing cost. e24fc04721 mod apk

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