After filming a good throw, bring the victim back onto the scene, and film a close up of him being struck by the knife. The easiest way to accomplish this is by having your victim hold the knife up to his head with one hand, as if the knife has just embedded itself. Use the hand farthest away from the camera so the knife can be seen in the shot. Then, while running the camera, instruct the wounded victim to jerk back as if hit by a hammer, then fall to the ground.

Let's say you have found a very lost enemy and you are sneaking up behind them and the haven't noticed, if you have your gun out could you switch to your knife without them hearing the sound effect and switch back as well?

Knife Throw Sound Effect Free Download


Need some SFX clips for your latest game video? Welcome to the knife sound effect soundboard. Here you'll find a wide range of blade sound effect clips ready to be downloaded for free and used in your, video stream or other audio content. Check them out!

* Asterisk entries are from Radio and Television Effects by Robert B. Turnbull. Copyright, 1951, by Robert B. Turnbull. Reprinted by permission of Holt, Rinehart and Winston.This is a list of selected sound effects and how to produce them. Since these effects are simulated, they may require some refinement beyond the suggestions provided.

COAL CARS The sound of small loaded cars approaching can be made by rolling a pair of roller skates over a piece of iron, starting off-mike and bringing them as close as desired. A little gravel sprinkled on the iron may help the effect.

* DOORS Squeaky Door: Use rusty hinges, if possible, attached to a miniature door, or twist a leather belt or billfold. Some old wooden chairs will give the squeak you need. Smashing Door: Crush a wooden box. Closing Door: Use a miniature or close a real door very lightly. Have regulation catches attached to the miniature. Iron Door- For the hollow clang of iron doors opening, draw an iron skate over an iron plate. Rattling a heavy chain and a key in a lock adds to the effect. The principal sound heard on a door close or open comes from the lock and jamb. Half-size doors may be built, paying particular attention to the hardware for different types. Elevator Door: Run a roller skate over a long, flat piece of metal. jail Door. The characteristic sound of an iron door is the noise when it clangs shut. For this, clang two flat pieces of metal together, then let one slide along the other for a moment, signifying the bar sliding into place. Screen Door: The distinctive sound comes from the spring and the rattle of the screen on the slam. Secure an old spring, slap it against a piece of wood, then rattle a window screen. Or use a miniature, including screen and catches. Stone Doors: Slide a large block of cement on a large flat slab of cement. At the end of the slide, tip the block to one side and then let it fall back. This signifies the close of the door.

* ECHOES (1) Suspend a solid wastepaper basket or any other good-sized container horizontally so that the open end faces the diaphragm of the microphone. The actor then stands behind the mike so that most of his voice goes into the container and then is reflected back into the microphone. (That part of the voice which is reflected lags enough behind the sound waves which go directly into the microphone to give a muffled hollow effect.) (2) To give the voice a hollow ghostlike sound, place one end of a 10-foot length of 2-inch pipe about 2 feet from the microphone. The actor will then speak into his hands, which he cups over the other end of the pipe.

HOOF BEATS Horse on a Hard Road: A pair of coconut shells clapped together in proper rhythm gives the "clippety-clop" sound. Horse Crossing Bridge: Hold mouth open, snap cheeks with fingers. Horse on Soft Ground or Turf: Rubber suction cups or half coconut shells clapped slowly in a box containing earth give a very satisfactory effect. Eraser on a pencil bounced on a book also gives a good sound.

* KNIFE THROW The sound of a knife being thrown and hitting the wall a couple of inches from the hero is done in three parts: (1) The flight through the air is done by a swish stick. (2) The thud of the knife hitting is done by sharply stabbing a bayonet or large heavy knife into a block of soft wood. (3) The quiver of the knife after it hits is made by placing a flexible table knife on a flat wooden surface or table so that about 2 inches of the blade rests on the table, with the rest of the blade and handle extending over the edge. Press the table end of the knife firmly against the table, then sharply I-Lit the free end so that it will vibrate. Practice will determine the right pressure on the blade and the amount of overlap on the table. The three steps must be done very rapidly.

* POURING A DRINK (1) Always touch the edge of the glass with the bottle to establish the sound. (2) For a comedy effect, use the long glass tube that covers the paper cups on a water cooler. A pitcher of water used with this tube gives a terrifically big drink.

WHISTLE For a steamboat whistle, there are square boxlike whistles about a foot long on the market which are used in major studios for this effect. If one of these is not available, a boy or a man can be found, who by cupping his hands over his mouth and making a "who-o-ing" sound several times some distance off-mike can simulate this effect. Also, by blowing into an ordinary section of pipe held just below the lower lip, a ship's whistle may be effected. Of course, the "blower" must vocalize the correct tone as he blows.

Teleport Knife Teleports The Player at the Location of where the Knife was Thrown and Plays an Enderman/Enderpearl Teleport Sound Effect from Minecraft. This Teleports the player only when fully charged, if not a regular knife throw would be the result.

A news report opening sound great for a news station or news intro. Just throw a voice over it and you are good. This sound was a request from Brandon. If you use this please be sure to site the artist and

For timing and safety purposes, I shot the second (catch) shot in reverse. In Adobe Premiere Pro, I simply reversed the second clip and voil, my talent could now catch a knife at high speed. To really punch up the intensity of the effect, I increased the speed of both clips.

Appellant was tried in the District Court for the killing of his wife and was convicted of second-degree murder. On this appeal he relies upon four alleged errors. He challenges, first, the admission of testimony concerning his mental condition at the time of the trial. This testimony was offered by the Government to rebut evidence of appellant's insanity at the time of the homicide. Appellant contends that the testimony "was immaterial and tended to confuse the jury." The general rule is that in order to ascertain a person's mental condition at a particular time it is proper to receive evidence of the condition of his mind during a reasonable period both before and after that time;[1] where it has any tendency to throw light on the condition of mind of the accused at the time of the commission of the act charged.[2] The law does not fix the time arbitrarily but leaves its determination in each case to the sound discretion of the trial court.[3] In the present case, it appears that this discretion was wisely exercised, in view of the history of appellant's mental condition. This included lay evidence concerning peculiar conduct by appellant prior to the time of the homicide; expert evidence that ten months following appellant's indictment he suffered from prison psychosis and was confined in St. Elizabeths Hospital;[4] evidence that several months later he was released from the hospital as a sane person and that, at the time of the homicide, he suffered from an epileptic state or fugue. No contention was made, on behalf of appellant, that he was insane at the time of the trial. On cross-examination appellant's witnesses were asked how long, in their opinion, appellant had been in an epileptic state at the time of the homicide, whether it was curable, and whether it was likely to recur. It was in rebuttal of their testimony that the Government drew from its witnesses evidence concerning the nature of the mental disease which had caused appellant to be adjudicated insane, whether that mental disease was curable, whether it was likely to recur and what his mental condition was at the time of trial. Under these circumstances, it does not appear that there was abuse of discretion by the trial court. 17dc91bb1f

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