supports and sleeves

It is impossible to prevent all knee pain or guard against all injuries, but simple steps can be taken to avoid the most common causes of pain. Stretching and warming up muscles with specific exercises before and after certain activity can prevent strains and swelling.

Treating Minor to Major Knee Pain

The knee is easily damaged due to the number of components and the complexity of the area. It consists of multiple ligaments, tendons, bones, cartilage, and menisci converging and intersecting to form a joint that absorbs most of the pressure of the body in motion. Falls, chronic medical conditions, degenerative diseases, sports injuries, obesity, trauma, and even increased activity can damage or tear parts of the knee. Some knee pain is caused as a result of a problem in another area of the body, such as the hip, back, or foot.

Avoiding Pain

It is impossible to prevent all knee pain or guard against all injuries, but simple steps can be taken to avoid the most common causes of pain. Stretching and warming up muscles with specific exercises before and after certain activity can prevent strains and swelling. Keeping muscles strong and flexible with other types of exercise will prepare the body for physical activity. When starting a new activity, begin slowly and increase intensity as skill and strength builds.

Home Remedies for Minor Pain

People who tend to overdo activities on the weekends or take a short tumble down that last step may be able to treat knee pain at home. Chronic conditions that flare up during cold or damp weather can also be relieved with simple measures. Basic measures and treatments for treating knee pain are referred to as RICE which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Rest consists of keeping as much weight as possible off the painful knee and avoiding the activity that caused the pain for at least a few days. Crutches, a cane, and a walking stick are helpful devices for mobility. Ice is best when applied for twenty minutes three or four times throughout the day.

Compression helps to increase the blood flow to the area and add extra support. Over the counter (OTC) knee sleeves and braces are readily available, inexpensive, and designed to provide varying degrees of support and compression. The use of pillows to elevate the knee to the same level as the heart, or above the heart, will allow fluid to drain and decrease inflammation.

Medical Treatments for Serious Injuries

Pain that persists despite RICE measures, degenerative situations, and trauma to the knee will require medical intervention. The degree and type of treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Steroid injections, for example, are often successful for bursitis which is inflammation in fluid-filled sacs that cushion the knee.

Arthroscopic knee surgery is a common treatment for meniscus tears. This type of cartilage is often stretched or torn during sports activities where pressure and excessive rotation results in damage. Physical therapy is recommended for strengthening the knee, improving flexibility, and avoiding surgery if possible. Stretching, exercises, massages, and ultrasound therapy are used to relieve pain, decrease swelling, and protect the knee post-surgery.