Wo kann ich KN95-Masken kaufen?

Where to buy KN95 face masks online

If N95 masks are out of stock, can I buy a P2 or KN95 mask?

The short answer? Yes — but be wary of scams. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to equipment shortages, especially N95 masks. Some unscrupulous sellers are selling fakes to try to profit from the situation. 3M, one of the world's largest manufacturers of masks, offers a tool to check if a product is genuine.

And though the FDA originally left the KN95 off its approved list of respirators in a March 28 statement, it has since approved KN95 masks that meet certain criteria.

You can find KN95 masks in the JDGOSHOP online store!

How to remove your mask properly

First, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before putting on your mask. When you're ready to take it off, do not touch the front of the mask — it could be contaminated. Instead, remove it by pulling the bottom strap over the back of your head, followed by the top strap. Discard the mask, and then wash your hands.