The ReefMaster Waypoint Manager/Sonar Viewer for Lowrance is a Windows application designed specifically to work with data from Lowrance sonar units.

 This easy-to-use program includes waypoint, trail and route management along with a multi-channel sonar viewer. Previously tedious tasks, such as updating waypoint icons or labels, or removing duplicate waypoints, can be completed in seconds with a minimum of effort.

GPX Waypoint Reader Free is a free app for Android published in the System Maintenance list of apps, part of System Utilities.

The company that develops GPX Waypoint Reader Free is n:n apps. The latest version released by its developer is 1.0.1f.

To install GPX Waypoint Reader Free on your Android device, just click the green Continue To App button above to start the installation process. The app is listed on our website since 2017-12-28 and was downloaded 10 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the GPX Waypoint Reader Free as malware as malware if the download link to com.ntonapps.gpxwaypointreaderfree is broken.

How to install GPX Waypoint Reader Free on your Android device:Click on the Continue To App button on our website. This will redirect you to Google Play.Once the GPX Waypoint Reader Free is shown in the Google Play listing of your Android device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the Install button located below the search bar and to the right of the app icon.A pop-up window with the permissions required by GPX Waypoint Reader Free will be shown. Click on Accept to continue the process.GPX Waypoint Reader Free will be downloaded onto your device, displaying a progress. Once the download completes, the installation will start and you'll get a notification after the installation is finished.

Kml Kmz Waypoint Reader Free


KMLKMZ Waypoint Reader Free is a free app to read and load kmz and kml files. This app is not limited to reading only. You can also use it to parse, view, and share your waypoints, tracks, and routes in Google Earth, Google Maps, and other navigation applications.

KMLKMZ Waypoint Reader Free can parse all types of files, including KMZ, KML, and KMZ. You can load a file and view it in the map. You can also import a list of waypoints from a file and load it into Google Maps.

For those of you working with GPX files, I have attached an add-in that will read them. I'm not a GPX expert, so the reader is pretty basic. It reads only the routes, waypoints and tracks, ignoring names, descriptions and so on. May be something for version 2.

Klaus, I have updated the code of the GPX reader. It now creates some attributes as well (Name, Elevation, Time and Symbol). I have also added the option to create points when importing a route or track. If you check the new checkbox it will do so. It is a little bit slower, but this gives access to the attributes for these points as well.

Chris, Klaus, or any other GPS-Manifold Wizard, with your help, I was able to installed corectly the TBFTool and Export-to-GPS Add-ins, I now can see it in Manifold. When I do open the TBFTools, I see a blank window appear. If I do understand it correctly, the process of using TBFTools correcly do not involve using Manifold GPS Console, is it the case ?. Also, can TBFTools handles GPSMap 62s GPX files directly or should I used an intermediate (DNR-Garmin or GPS-Babel) software to prepare my GPX files to Manifold (TBF-Tools) ? The only way I found to use the TBFTools was to drag the copied out from the Garmin files and drag it into the opened TBFTools empty windows, but nothing happened. Any clues so that I finally succeed in importing my waypoints and tracks from the 62s to Manifold ? Much Thanks. Chris, what do you mean by: ? the file extension (if it is what you mean), is already .gpx when save (or exported) from my Garmin GPS. Much Thanks and thanks for your patience...Lapprentis

Do you or your organization use Google Earth kml or kmz files to store and share locations? This app will let you load a kml or kmz file and parse it into a list of waypoints (placemarks) that you can load into Google Maps or other GPS navigation applications on your android device.

Short press to launch into Google Maps or other geo: intent handler

Long Press to view the details of a stored waypoint. You can also configure long press to directly launch into Google Navigation.

I have a magellan meridian, but my serial cable got stolen along with my usb to serial cable. Is there any way to put waypoints on my SD card instead of shelling out 30 bucks for a new cable from Magellan? I have the MapSend Topo software (It's really cheap on eBay now).

You can send waypoint files directly to the SD card if you buy an inexpensive card reader. This also gives you the benefit of the speed of USB communications--very useful for copying maps to the card (see the FAQs link in my sig line for more information). For waypoints, you would just save them to the card as if you were saving them to the hard drive. They are (as you have perhaps discovered...and this may be the crux of your question) in a different format, so you need to use something like GPSBabel to do the conversion. (I recommend GPSBabelWrapper as a useful GUI to facilitate use of the comman-line driven GPSBabel).

The one advantage I could see of the data cable was that it was more convenient--especially when "permanently" mounted to a swivel mount I kept on my desk--to easily copy waypoints or tracks to or from the GPS. It's a little bit more hassle to open the battery compartement, remove the batteries, take out the SD card, stick it in the reader, and then reverse the process when done. The speed gain was worth it for map transfers (they take a LONG time over serial cable) but not for waypoints or tracks, which aren't that data-intensive.

For output, choose the drive letter assigned to the SD card in the reader, give it a name (IIRC the ending doesn't matter--but it's been over a year since I've used my Meridian much so I might be wrong on that), and select Magellan SD files as for Meridian.

GPX is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format to describe waypoints, tracks, and routes. The GPX Reader reads GPX files and displays their waypoint and track data in the 3D Window, storing the GPX data in the project either as groups of point objects or as feature layers.

InterfaceInstructions1. Communication - select the appropriate COM port that your GPS is connection to. Note that4800 baud is set as a default communication rate which most GPS devices will use.2. Load Simulation File - if you do not currently have a GPS device available (or are locatedindoors) then you can instead specify a file that contains recorded NMEA statements. Oncespecified this file will be read in and acted on just as if the information was beingpassed from a GPS device.3. Map - the white area will display the points specified by the GPS device inblack. The current robot location is specified in blue with the waypoints inorange and the planned route in green. If you uncheck the "Center on Robot" checkboxyou can move the map around using the mouse to investigate the route. You can also usethe zoom dropdown to move towards and away from the map. If you want to clear the map andstart from a blank page press the Reset button. If you want to use the map for your own purposesyou can use the Marker module to pull in the GPS_MAP image that is produced by this module andkept in memory.4. Information - The number of satellites and date received by the GPS is displayed in the informationsection. Use this interface to determine how well your connection is to any satellites. Remember,if you go indoors you will lose all connections.5. Waypoints - The main purpose of using GPS is to be able to steer the robot along someknown path. Using the waypoints interface you can enter in a new Latitude and Longitude coordinatesuch as 5408.0079 and 01345.6965 and add that as a waypoint. Note that the first 2 and 3 digitsare the location degrees with the remainder being seconds. This is the format produced by mostNMEA GPS devices. Once this waypoint is added into the list you will see it displayed in the mapand additional variables will become active. The two most important variables are the GPS_ROBOT_HEADINGwhich gives you your current heading and GPS_WAYPOINT_HEADING which is the heading you should be on inorder to meet with the waypoint. Using these two variables you can decide on how to move the robotto get to the waypoint. Once the waypoint is reached the module will automatically switch to the next.6. Waypoints Variable - You can also specify a variable that will contain the list of waypoints. Please note that this variableneeds to be created from VB or Python using the SetArrayVariable function in order for the waypointsto be accessed correctly. It is assumed that this array includes sets of latitude and longitude numbers (i.e. lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, etc.)that have been converted to a decimal degree. This is a different format than that used in raw NMEA data (degree minute second) but is what isdisplayed in the Waypoints list. When you add a new waypoint, you can type in the raw NMEA (degree minute second) coordinates that thenget converted into a single decimal degree number.7. Waypoint Removal Distance - The Waypoint Removal Distance (in feet) defines how close the robot needs to bein order for the waypoint to be considered visited. Because GPS is inherently noisy, this number should belarge enough to allow for a certain amount of error. If you notice that your robot is searching and missingwaypoints (i.e. it turns around and approaches the same point again) you may have to tight a waypoint removaldistance. Likewise, if you notice that the robot does not get near enough to a particular waypoint and seemsto bypass it then reduce the removal distance amount.8. Reset - Resetting the waypoints by pressing the Rest button resets the waypoints that have been visited back to zero and repeats the process. I.e. your robot willnow head to waypoint 0 again.9. Auto Reset - You can chose to loop again and again through waypoints (by selecting the Auto Reset checkbox). This allowsfor a patroling of waypoints that once complete, should trigger the first waypoint to be visited again.10. Reset Trigger - Specify a variable that when non-zero will cause the waypoints to reset in that the robot willthen target waypoint 0 again. This is functionally the same as pressing the Reset button but instead happens basedon a non-zero value of the reset trigger variable. For example, if you have an external application that wantsto reset the waypoints and start from the beginning it can send the specified variable to RoboRealm with a non-zerovalue (say 1) via the API. This variable can change can happen at any time to resetto the first waypoint.11. Robot Color - the color marker used to identify the robot (circle with an arrow)12. Route Color - the route between waypoints13. Waypoints color - the color of the square that identifies the targeted waypoints14. Visited color - the color of the waypoints that have already been visitedVariables

GPS_LATITUDE - the current GPS latitude value in degreesGPS_LONGITUDE - the current GPS longitude value in degreesGPS_DISTANCE - the total distance in meters that the robot has traveledGPS_ALTITUDE - the current height of the robot (note this is typically very inaccurate)GPS_ROBOT_HEADING - the current orientation of the robot, i.e. direction it is movingGPS_WAYPOINT_HEADING - the orientation of the waypoint relative to the robotGPS_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE - the distance in meters till the next waypointGPS_WAYPOINT_COMPLETE - signals (becomes 1) when ALL waypoints have been visitedGPS_WAYPOINT_CURRENT - the current waypoint being targetedGPS_WAYPOINT_REACHED - signals (becomes 1) when the current waypoint has been reached. Note, this will remain 1 until you clear the variable as it only gets set when a waypoint is reached and is NOT cleared. This allows you to perform other tasks at a waypoint and continue targetting the next waypoint when you chose to by setting it to zero.GPS_NUMBER_SATELLITES - the number of satellites currently being used by the GPS deviceGPS_DATE_TIME - the date time stamp as reported by the GPS satellitesIf you need a sample GPS NMEA file to run via the simulation you can download this file, saveit to a known location and then specify that location in the File Simulation in the GUIdialog. This file is the raw NMEA recorded from a GPS device while walking around the blockin Denver, Colorado.See Also

Path Planning

For more information

Wikipedia - Global Positioning System

GPS - NMEA sentence information


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